VIDEO Seth Rogen smokes a lot of weed

Seth Rogen 50/50 premiere

While making the publicity rounds for his latest film 50/50 actor Seth Rogen stopped by Letterman and the subject of his affection for marijuana came up.

In the following clip good ol’ Dave asks Seth about his weed habit and Rogen was his usually refreshing candid self as he estimated approximately how much of his day he spends high.

Here are some of the “high” lights from this Letterman joint.

Dave: In your own life what percentage of the day are you loaded?

Seth: I wake up and go to the bathroom. So that takes 20 minutes. I don’t know what percentage 20 minutes is but subtract that from a hundred and it’s pretty much that amount of time.

Dave: How old were you when you began?

Seth: I was around 13-years-old which is pretty young. But I’m fine, so I wouldn’t worry about it.

Dave: Have you noticed that the strength of the weed has gotten stronger?

Seth: Exponentially stronger! To the point that it is a little startling at times what they can grow out of the ground these days. That comes from dirt and water? That’s amazing!

Dave: Do you like the stronger version of it?

Seth: I’ve hit my limit. I’ve realized I’ve had to downgrade. I used to go and, “Just give me the strongest stuff.” And now that’s too strong so I can’t do that anymore (wink, wink).

Dave: Where do you get it?

From the previews and trailers I’ve seen 50/50 looks like it should be a really entertaining film. It’s a comedy that stars Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levett as a 27-year-old who’s been diagnosed with cancer and struggles to beat the disease. That’s right I said a comedy about cancer. Sometimes this is the best way to handle extremely serious subject matter (see Dr. Strangelove for the ultimate example of this concept).

Here’s the official trailer for 50/50 set for release this Friday. From the introduction you learn that the film is loosely based on the real life circumstance of screen writer Will Reiser.

Top Photo: Ivan Nikolov/

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