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UNEXPECTED Max Schenzel’s probation revoked, arrest warrant issued

TLC Unexpected Max Schenzel arrest warrant

It appears that Unexpected dad Max Schenzel will be headed back to jail soon! The 20-year-old reality star had his probation revoked on Monday, and a warrant was issued for his arrest as a result.

As we reported last week, Max’s probation officer submitted a memo to the court on January 24 making the judge in his case aware of the numerous ways in which Max was not in compliance with his 30-month probation terms. Despite the long list of potential violations, including a December arrest for domestic assault after an altercation with Chloe, Max’s probation officer once again seemed to go out of her way to defend Max.

From his P.O.:

However, recently the defendant has been making positive changes. He has been complying with his intensive outpatient counseling, attending the majority of his classes, has been complying with urinalysis testing as directed and has been taking all medications as prescribed. The defendant has recently requested additional counseling and is now enrolled in anger management classes in addition to his substance abuse treatment. Please advise if any further action is needed.

The judge’s ruling was to remove the ball from his court and place it back in the probation officer’s as he selected the “take whatever action deemed appropriate” option.


Max’s probation officer took about ten days to mull things over, and eventually decided that Max’s consistent disregard for the terms of his probation (and the law) was just too much. She submitted the petition to revoke Max’s probation on February 3, which included an order for a warrant. The judge signed off on the arrest warrant the same day.

The warrant indicates that once Max is in custody, his bond will be set at $900. His original jail sentence after pleading guilty to stealing credit cards and cash from his friend’s 77-year-old sleeping grandmother was three months.

Max has been posting on social media since the warrant was issued, including an Instagram story clip in which he looks to be getting his bond money together by selling his Rolex watch:

TLC Unexpected Max Schenzel Rolex watch

Chloe stated numerous times on the show that if Max went to jail for any extended length of time that she would leave him, so it might be more than just a coincidence that she very recently stopped following Max on Instagram. [UPDATE – Chloe is now following Max again.]

However, there might have been a separate catalyst for yet another split between the couple. Max’s probation officer compiled a more extensive list of his potential probation violations for the revocation filing, and the list includes an incident involving police from last week.

“The defendant had law enforcement contact on 12/30/2019, 1/30/2020 and did not report law enforcement contact to the Adult Probation Department within twenty-four (24) hours,” reads one of the entries. The December 30 incident was the alleged assault on Chloe. It’s unclear what happened on January 30 that resulted in Max having “law enforcement contact.” I’m currently looking into that.

UPDATE – Max was arrested for the probation revocation on Monday, February 10. At the time of this update he is still being held without bond with a scheduled court hearing on February 18.

For those of you who are curious, here is the full list of probation terms that Max has allegedly violated over the past 14 months, including the assault arrest and Max’s illegal trip to New York to film the Unexpected Tell All:

This officer has reason to believe that the defendant has failed to comply with the following term(s) of probation:

• The defendant committed the crime of assault-injury domestic violence on or about December 30, 2019.

• The defendant had law enforcement contact on 12/30/2019, 1/30/2020 and did not report law enforcement contact to the Adult Probation Department within twenty-four (24) hours.

• The defendant did not receive prior approval before changing residence.

• The defendant left the state, on or about September 6, 2019 without written permission of the Adult Probation Department and traveled to New York. The defendant left the state after being directed on August 13, 2019 that he needed permission and a travel permit to go to New York.

• The defendant did not actively participate and cooperate in residential treatment counseling or assistance at Crossroads as determined by Adult Probation Department, or as required by law, given assessment results and/or behavior.

On, October 2, 2019 Crossroads discharged the defendant for failing to attend and participate in residential treatment counseling or assistance.

Graduated responses implemented to address lack of compliance included: drug testing, referral to outpatient program, referral to intensive outpatient program, referral to inpatient program.

• The defendant possessed or used an illegal drug or controlled substance, Fentanyl, on or about 3/12/2002 [I assume this was supposed to be 3/12/2019], 7/10/2019, 8/20/2019. The defendant did not submit to drug testing as directed by the Adult Probation Department on 6/20/2019, 6/24/2019, 7/19/2019, 8/17/2019, 8/19/2019, 8/26/2019, 9/6/2019, 9/9/2019, 9/10/2019, 9/11/2019, 9/13/2019, 9/18/2019, 9/19/2019, 11/19/2019, 12/24/2019, 1/17/2020, 1/28/2020, 1/29/2020.

• The defendant did not pay Probation Service Fee as imposed by the Court: Monthly Payment $65.00. Delinquent $256.51.

• The defendant did not pay Probation Assessment as imposed by the Court: Total $20.00. Monthly payment $20.00. Balance owed $13.49.

• The defendant consumed or possessed a substance containing alcohol on or about 11/1/2019.

• The defendant did not complete a total of 150 hours of community restitution. Number of hours completed: 40. Date of last hours worked: February 27, 2019.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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