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UNEXPECTED Max Schenzel out of jail, still feuding with Chloe and Jessica

TLC Unexpected Max Schenzel Chloe Mendoza and Jessica Bowman

Unexpected bad boy Max Schenzel was released from jail in early January after serving more than three months for unlawful possession of a means of transportation. It didn’t take long for Max to publicly stir things up with his ex Chloe and her mother Jessica.

I should preface all of the recent drama by pointing out that Max is currently not allowed to see his daughter Ava due to a protective order put in place after two alleged incidents of domestic assault involving Chloe early last year. Those charges are still pending with a pre-trial hearing scheduled next month.

I should also mention that Chloe posted a YouTube video just before Max was sentenced back in September in which she detailed some of the abuse allegations against him. You can click the link for a recap.

I will begin chronologically with a post from Chloe’s mom, Jessica Bowman. She was responding to an Instagram commenter hoping that she and her husband would be able to co-grandparent with Max’s dad, Todd Schenzel. In her post, Jessica referenced the fact that Max’s dad was allowed to participate in the Unexpected update that TLC aired in December. His appearance was especially odd given that none of the actual dads were even asked to appear.

From Jessica:

Maybe we would [co-grandparent] if Todd actually tried to be in Ava’s life. Did he buy her anything for her Birthday-which was a month after we filmed the update episode? No. Did he send her anything for Christmas…. nope. Does he call and check on her? No. And it has nothing to do with us not letting him see Ava. You can’t let someone do something they never asked to do in the first place.

I am so tired of people believing Todd is the victim. Far from it, but that is the storyline TLC went with and now they have to stick with it I guess.

I don’t understand how the updates were just the girls talking, but yet they had to put Todd on there to defend Max. They didn’t let any other guy go on and defend themselves from what was being said. Shayden, James, Diego… but yet here is Max in jail and they let his dad go on and try to contradict all that Chloe went thru.

The producers knew the abuse Chloe endured, and instead of letting her use her platform to help other teens in similar situations, they always try to make us the bad guys. But that is ok, cause we know the truth, and this just totally justifies why we will never do another season with Unexpected!! #emptypromises #emptythreats

I will fast forward to late January for this Instagram post from Max expressing his frustration over not being able to see his daughter:

I never beat up anyone… oh my lord … Chloe has a new boyfriend and I’m happy she’s happy. I haven’t seen Ava in over 6 months because of the restraining order that Tempe put on me because they are required to even if it’s a false domestic violence charge! Keep in mind the case is based off me throwing my phone at Chloe not hitting her… which neither happened. The only reason I haven’t seen Ava is because I’ve been in custody for the past 6 months serving my time and putting my mistakes behind me! I’ve been sober for almost a year now and also would just like to let everyone know that all I care about is being a great father figure to Ava. I’ve made terrible mistakes in the past but she’s still young and I still have plenty of time to redeem myself and then some. For those of you who believe rumors or gossip, I am deeply concerned for you and your state of mind lol.

Max then addressed a message to Chloe after he revealed that he is unable to talk to her directly:

Chloe your probably going to read this…. I don’t know why you still have my number blocked… I do not want anything to do with you, but I want everything to do with our little baby girl. I’m sure you go out with your new boyfriend and drink and what not which is awesome , but I’m completely sober… for almost a full year while you live your college party life. It’s not fair that you don’t give me a chance to be a father and I’m only barely 21 and your already trying to sabotage Ava and Is relationship… it just says a lot about what your intentions were when you made a commitment to have Ava. You obviously have a screw loose in your head because darling I have almost a full year of progress to back me up. Yes I’m posting this on here so you can see it. Do the right thing and go modify the order so I can see Ava and keep the order on yourself, I don’t care. I need to see my daughter, and my daughter needs her dad. Everyday that goes by that I don’t get to see Ava is another failure in my book.

Max has done a few Instagram live sessions and has posted some photos that have many of his followers openly doubting his sobriety claims. Here is one of his photos followed by a live session captured for posterity by the ever-diligent @tlc.unexpectedtea on Instagram:

Click here for another controversial video of Max, but be forewarned that it does include the n-word. (I’m not sure when it was originally recorded.)

Chloe remained relatively quiet about Max, despite his posts calling her out. She shared a video on YouTube on February 16 and spoke about him briefly:

I just want to let you guys know that yes, I do see everything, I know everything that’s being said about me by another person and, um, no I’m not going to respond. Or, at least, this is the only response I will be giving because I’ve already said my piece. I’ve already said my truth. I’ve told everything that happened to me, and I just want to leave it at that…

…I mean, there’s some lies that are being said by …another person, but I don’t care. I’m happy. So, if you’re miserable enough to where you have to talk about me all the time, then so be it. I know the truth and it’s — everything out there is public information. It takes a quick Google search to view someone’s timeline of, uh, events, so I’m gonna leave it at that.

If you are thinking of following Chloe’s advice in hopes of getting a timeline of Max’s “events” over the past couple years, I can save you the Google search with a link to our Max Schenzel category. It is the most detailed chronological record of his misdeeds that you will find.

A day after Chloe’s video was posted, Max revived his YouTube channel with a post-prison update video. (Max has since deleted his previous YouTube video from a year ago in which he insisted that he is a “good guy” who doesn’t “belong in jail.” He also blamed Starcasm for Chloe’s parents disliking him and said that “99 percent of those articles you see about me online are 99 percent not true.”)

In his new video, Max said he hadn’t seen Ava in nine months at the time and he also talked about his dad not being able to see Ava. Max continued to insist that he is a changed man and not the Max from his past, which is something he’s been saying for a couple years now:

What gets me aggravated is, like, when you people on live or Instagram in general, or social media in general, come into my life commenting on my stuff because Chloe posted something, like, a year ago…talking about how I did something a year ago, or year and a half. Like, nah, I’ve changed bro. Like, I’ve been sober for over a year. The Max you guys saw on the show, that’s not who I am anymore. I want to take care of my daughter. I’ve been working at the same place for a year. I’m in sales. I’m doing good in sales, too.

Max also made fun of Chloe in the video, joking that she blames him for all of their problems.

Chloe’s mom, Jessica Bowman, had refrained from publicly responding to Max’s post-prison commentary, but she broke her silence with a string of Instagram posts earlier this week. She began by sharing a series of inspirational messages about not responding to negativity and “toxic” people, but she was unable to heed her own advice.

After those messages, Jessica shared a screen cap of the Phoenix search results for Max Schenzel mug shot photos. (The image included just four of Max’s numerous booking photos.)

“Over one year sober huh 🤔,” Jessica wrote on top of the image. “Maybe sober, but definitely not clean. And we all know that alcohol wasn’t really the issue with this one.” (Unfortunately, I think Jessica is associating sobriety only with alcohol?)

Jessica followed up that post with another defending her daughter against Max’s claims:

I am just tired of having someone bash my daughter and keep trying to convince people that she is always out drinking. Where is your so called proof that she is doing these things?

Who cares if she goes out one night during the week. She is a wonderful mother and a very responsible young adult who knows how to have fun without alcohol being involved. Some people do know how to do that. Just saying.

#sorryimnotsorry #tiredofbeingsilent

She then shared this cautionary nugget of wisdom: “Be careful who you trust, salt and sugar look the same.”

Soon after Jessica’s posts, Max did an Instagram live session with his new gal pal, Tricia Braunstein. Tricia looks to be a pseudo-professional pageant contestant from Canada who already has an OnlyFans profile. She says she and Max aren’t dating, but they’re “talking about it.”

I honestly couldn’t watch a lot of the video, but I did see enough to know that they are teasing a new YouTube video from Max that he plans to post later today (Thursday). It sounds like the video will have a lot of stuff about Chloe and/or Jessica, so stay tuned!

If you are more of a Max drama addict than I am, @tlc.unexpectedtea shared a video of some of Max and Tricia’s live session:

In contrast to whatever that video was, I will wrap things up with some posts featuring Chloe and her new boo, Iann. Those are followed by some awesome photos of Ava — who is looking completely adoramazing!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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