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TEEN MOM 2 PREVIEWS Jo Rivera gets real with Kail Lowry, Jenelle Evans reveals pregnancy


It’s time for another batch of Teen Mom 2 previews!

In the three spots shared today via MTV we’ve got Jo Rivera letting Kail Lowry know that she and Javi Marroquin need to act like adults around the kids, Jenelle Evans and David Eason revealing that they’re expecting a baby and Leah Messer having a tough talk with a friend about Ali.


Kail’s ex Jo visits and has a frank discussion about Kail and Javi’s relationship and how they’re handling the divorce since his return. He explains to Kail that they can’t fight in front of the kids and warns her that doing so could break Isaac and Lincoln.


Jenelle Evans and David Eason sit down for a little grub at The George on the Riverwalk with David’s daughter, Jenelle’s sons Jace and Kaiser, and Barbara Evans. During the gathering they use their engagement announcement photo to reveal to the kids that they’re expecting a baby girl. Jace had a classic response and Babs is none too pleased about how she had to find out.


Leah has lunch with her friend Maddie and the conversation centers around the health of Leah’s daughter Ali. As Leah works through where Ali’s at she mentions that the doctor predicts that she might begin to see a decline in Ali’s health after she turns seven. Both Leah and Maddie tear up as they think about that prognostication and look for a silver lining by highlighting what a fighter Ali is.


There’s no preview clip for Chelsea but Aubree’s dad Adam Lind is making headlines again as Radar Online reported yesterday that he still owes child support to Taylor Halbur for their daughter Paislee. A source close to Halbur told them, “Come February he’s going to be $7,000 behind for Taylor… Child support took a little over $2,000 from him, but she hasn’t gotten the money yet in case he disputes it,” adding, “It’s crap that he can spend money on cars and car parts, but he is not willingly spending money on his children. He always puts himself first.”

Chelsea and Adam have a child support hearing scheduled later this month. Lind had two warrants out for his arrest in September for allegedly being thousands of dollars behind in support to both Chelsea and Taylor.


Lind doesn’t appear to have commented publicly about this latest accusation but he has been busy on Facebook showing his support for President Trump! In a post on January 30 he wrote, “This world is a terrible place it’s not what it used to be ….. thank God for Trump #makeamericagreatagain.”

As these things are known to do, the comments devolved into a shouting match. One friend who supported Adam’s pro-Trump stance shared a graphic meme of Jebbar Salman Ammar, 29, who was found guilty of posting an image of himself holding the decapitated head of an ISIS fighter, with the caption “please help find a home for this poor refugee.” Amman stated that he had fought against the Islamic State before he sought refuge in Finland. When someone tried to argue that “If I had to post a picture of every American who killed an American since that guy killed one, I’d be posting well after Trumps reign is over. Think about it if you are able,” Lind responded, “Americans don’t cut heads off and smile in the f***ing picture then change their style and act like innocent refugees and want housing from others…. think about that if you are able…..”

The next episode of Teen Mom 2 comes your way Monday on MTV at 9/8c.

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