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Report: Selena Gomez leaves Justin Bieber following baby scandal

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

Man, every time I turn around to write about something other than Justin Bieber another Bieber bomb drops. Radar online is reporting that Justin’s superstar singer girlfriend Selena Gomez has broken up with him in the wake of the baby scandal involving Mariah Yeater.

The Biebs appeared on Today just this morning and flat out denied even knowing this girl. Further damage was done to what credibility Yeater had in a report by TMZ that outed her as trying to claim that her ex-boyfriend was the father of the same child, her 3-month-old son. According to a police report, Yeater and her ex got into a fight and she broke a car window out of rage. She returned later to work out a payment plan and got into yet another fight that resulted in her allegedly slapping the dude in the face three times. She was arrested, charged with battery and a court date was set in Las Vegas.

Now back to Selena who was caught up in her own, “did Justin Bieber get her pregnant?” controversy. The inside source for Radar is claiming that:

“Selena ended it abruptly. She broke the news to Justin just in the past 24 hours.”

This source is also stating that she is facing resistance from Justin’s camp:

“His camp is in damage control mode and attempting to convince her to stick around in the relationship for a few more weeks, because they fear it will be seen as an admission that something indeed took place between Justin and the woman who is alleging that he’s the father of her baby.”

As of this post neither artist’s reps had responded to Radar’s report. All of this “insider source” stuff sounds pretty iffy to me. Just yesterday Selena retweeted the following congrats on Justin and her’s Twitter follower count:

Yesterday was a great day for Jelena and until I hear any different from their reps I’m guessing tomorrow will be the same.

Top Photo: WENN

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