How long does it Katy Perry to do her makeup? Plus before and after photos
We’ve seen Katy Perry without makeup once before, make that twice, but her painted-on face is a big part of her lovable cartoonish, lollipop brand. How long does it take for Katy Hudson to transform into a camera-ready Katy Perry?
In a new interview with Women’s Wear Daily, Perry admits that her makeup routine is hard to do when “sleeping over at a new boyfriend’s house” because it takes 90 minutes to do!
“I’m a product whore. I have a regimen that spans an hour and a half, and nothing goes out of order,” Katy says.
But Katy knows that there has to be something to back up all the glitter and theatrics. “I spoke one time at a songwriting thing, and the kids were asking me questions about being an artist,” she recalled. “[I told them] all the costumes and the glitter and the glitz and glam is great, but if you don’t have the talent, you just look like a freak.”
Here’s a sped-up video of Katy’s process:
Katy before and after makeup: