PHOTOS NYC Housewife Sonja Morgan’s sexy artist love interest Brian Farrell
In a wonderful quote from Bravo’s thrilling preview video for the upcoming 4th season of The Real Housewives of New York City Sonja Morgan states:
“I don’t need a man that has millions. I need a guy that can f**k me and take care of me and you know has good values.”
Well the hunky man you see above apparently fits under this description because artist Brian Farrell appears as her love interest at least in the first 2 episodes. Sonja hasn’t come out and stated that Brian’s her boyfriend but they certainly get their date on for RHONYC. So who is this Morgan satisfying, good looking, delicious piece of surfing and painting New York man meat? Lets check Brian out so we can see what Sonja sees, well other than the OBVIOUS hotness!
According to Farrell’s Facebook page he’s an artist in his early 40’s from Southampton who is currently at the New York Academy of Art. Beyond that he gets very personal at Glenn Beck’s, yes THAT Glenn Beck, The 7 website dedicated to Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow’s book on the seven wonders that can change your life. Here is Brian’s journey as he described it:
I am an artist who grew up with a father who was a severe alcoholic and physically abusive to us kids and my mother. Because of his alcoholism, he could barely hold a job and abused my mother’s finances to support his drinking. He left us in poverty. Because of these reasons and other buried memories, I retreated inward and was left as an insecure child. I don’t recall much of my childhood other than that.
Growing up, I became interested in painting and becoming an artist. I liked it. It was soothing. I could escape my reality. I was a human being for once. The first works were heavy impressionist landscapes. They evolved from that to abstracted color forms, to expressionistic/figurative works.
Inside, I could not escape my past. My art career was flourishing. I had a studio in NY, sold out shows, lots of press. But, my emotional state was the complete opposite. I was losing enormous amounts of sleep and eating less and less. My grip on reality was fading. I attempted suicide several times. I was eventually hospitalized and placed on medications. A long lull developed in my art career due to their impact. Art shows and sales suffered. The paintings were not at their best. They were misunderstood.
Sometime after this, I met Dr. Keith Ablow. He was writing a book on seven steps to finding one’s path–becoming healthy and at peace without the use of medication. These steps were set up to find faith in one’s self and with the Creator. He had found that the war within me was fueled by all my defenses against the abuse and violence of my childhood. My mind simply left. My meetings with Keith were different from all the other doctors I met with in the past. He was at peace. He was self-assured and very receptive and intelligent. He didn’t say much and didn’t have to because his evaluations were well thought out, direct and concise. He made sense, and I didnt want to decieve him. I wanted to be at peace and courageous as he was. Dr. Keith used the seven steps of his book, The 7, to bring me from a world of non-reality and despair, to a life of positivity and purity of mind.
Today, I am no longer drinking or take any medications. I enjoy a healthy life of yoga, surfing, sleep, and diet. Having survived bipolar disorder and almost total loss of reality, I once again have a flourishing, emerging art career. It’s a remarkable, miraculous story that, because of The 7, and Keith’s devotion to me, I survived to live on with a clear and steady mind.
Brian lives a healthy life, surfs, he’s an artist, lives with a clear and steady mind, and just so happens to be gorgeous. Good work Miss Sonja! How about his artwork? Well here are a few samples via Bri-Bri’s MySpace page:
[UPDATE – The previously embedded MySpace images have been deleted.]
Pearls, politicians, in your face shots of panties (check out this SFW naughty show by Sonja from the previously mentioned season preview) and taking a bite out of some big apples. It looks like Brian Farrell is in tune with Sonja Morgan. And having this type of bod can’t hurt either right ladies and men who love men?