PHOTOS Look at Rumer Willis with the Daisy Dukes on

Rumer Willis sexy photo

Rumer Willis, actress and daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore made a little run to the corner gas station in L.A. and was caught by the paparazzi wearing some seriously revealing Daisy Dukes and an open top shirt.

I have to admit I had to do a double-take when the photos were labeled Rumer Willis because the girl has done some serious maturing lately. The 22-year-old has grown up in the media spotlight because of her Hollywood parents but she’s come into her own starring in such films as The House Bunny, From Within and Sorority Row. She’s also been featured on the revamped TV show 90210 as the character Gia Mannetti. I almost have to wonder how she squeezed into shorts that tight but I’m not arguing with the results! Speaking of results:

Rumer Willis butt in Daisy Dukes

I know, I know, it looks like those were painted on. My first job out of college was working at a gas station (Mom and Dad were so proud) and I would savor the rare moments when I got some scenery like that. In fact, if there were a reality show that judged girls from the block and their hotness my judges would be convenience store clerks. We know the game, we have a serious appreciation for the finer things in female fashion and we have a lot of down time to think about that girl from two weeks ago who came in during the morning shift with those shorts on.

Taking this into consideration I submit to you the final photo from this Rumer Willis post and it catches the cashier in a very honest moment. From what I see by the look in his eyes Rumer got herself an A+!

Rumer Willis cashier photobomb

Ogling cashier dude I am so feeling you right now! As for Rumer’s rear near future she is set to appear this year in the thriller The Ganzfeld Experiment alongside Billy Zane and Taylor Cole.


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