Michelle Bombshell McGee selling Sneek-a-Peeks online for $9.95
If Michelle Bombshell McGee was truly on her hustler game, she would have had a dedicated server and monthly membership for her website before she spoke to In Touch Weekly about her Jesse James dalliances, but you live, you learn.
Now her website is back with free wallpaper if you join her blog, and a limited time low price of $9.95 for a monthly membership that lets you access adult material. Right now that buys you full access to six photos and a video, with promises to add “several times a week.” When you’re a member you can also win Michelle Bombshell merchandise and be given a discount on future membership prices. She promises thousands of pics and videos to come.
To see what her website looked like before she became the most controversial “other woman” since Rachel Uchitel, CLICK HERE. There are screen captures of the front page of her blog with numerous entries and photos.
I’m sure Bravo VP Andy Cohen is currently typing in his credit card numbers right now. He’s openly gay, but last night on his weekly diva-centered local-access style show Watch What Happens Live, he expressed an overwhelming and giddy desire to bed Bombshell.
Bombshell can turn gay men straight! This chick is explosive. John Mayer needs to have a turn with her to check for napalm. I’m sure she might give him a discount because he’ll give her free publicity about it.