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Are Matthew and Hailey 2 returning for Unexpected Season 4? Plus a pregnancy update!

TLC Unexpected Matthew and Hailey 2 pregnancy update, Will they be on Unexpected Season 4?

Unexpected couple Matthew Blevins and Hailey Tilford (aka Hailey 2) shocked the world when they confirmed on the Tell All special that she was pregnant with their child. Once they officially made the reveal, the couple took to Instagram to talk more about the pregnancy and their future on the show.

Both Matthew and Hailey 2 shared sonogram photos of “Baby Blevins” as well as two positive pregnancy tests. Each of them penned lengthy captions expressing their excitement, even in the face of the tidal wave of negativity from fans of the show.


The two iterate that the pregnancy was not planned, and Matthew clarifies whether or not they will be returning for Unexpected Season 4. “NO we aren’t being on the next season,” he flatly stated.

The relationship between Matthew and the Haileys was the most talked about story line for Unexpected Season 3, and with Hailey 2 being pregnant it would seem to be a perfect fit for the new season. And let’s not forget that if Matthew is not coming back, that means Hailey 1 will not be back either.

I assume that producers are continuing to pressure Matthew and Hailey 2, and I also assume that there is a number as far as financial compensation that the couple will be unable to refuse. The only question is whether or not producers will be willing to reach that number. (I’ve spoken with a couple inside sources who reveal that the Unexpected cast members make very little money in comparison to cast members on other shows like Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 — even those returning for additional seasons.)

I feel it is very important to point out that Hailey, Matthew and Hailey 2 appear to be on much better terms now. The three of them actually did an Instagram Live session together recently, and they seemed like old friends. ??‍♀️ (Matthew insisted on using the N-word repeatedly, which stirred up a bit of drama in the chat, but that’s another story.)

Here are the pregnancy-themed Instagram galleries posted by Matthew and Hailey 2 followed by their captions:

Announcement!! Me and Hailey have kept this in for a long time and now it’s time to share it with the world, WE ARE 17 weeks PREGNANT ?❤️ Hailey is pregnant with our beautiful little baby, this is one of the most exciting moments of my life and I cannot wait for him/her to be here, we know y’all are gonna hate so comments are off, we are happy, excited and could care less about any of yalls opinions, Hailey has been one of my biggest blessings and now she is blessing me with a little baby, our little baby ? nothing could change my feelings about this happening I’m so happy ?, NO we aren’t being on the next season, NO we are NOT going anywhere and NO we didn’t plan this. We are gonna have our little baby and be the best possible parents we can be, we are gonna love and adore our baby, I can’t wait to watch Hailey be the great mommy she can be, I can’t wait to be a daddy to my baby, I can’t wait to do this together!! @get_like_hailey, this is us and now our newest blessing against the world ????

FINALLY I can make this post and not hide! Matthew and I are expecting Baby Blevins in April 2020 ??? When I first found out I was scared & overwhelmed & happy & nervous. I still am all of those things but I’m mostly grateful because I get to be a mommy! I love seeing you and hearing your little heartbeat, you give me a reason to keep going and to stay strong! I know we’ll get LOTS of hate and very little support but we don’t care, we are keeping our baby and more excited than ever! ☺️

In advance to answer what I know will be asked – NO, it wasn’t planned nor did we want this right now. Matthew already has a baby and I was ready to focus on college, but god had a different plan for us ??‍♀️ We are so ready to meet you already Baby Blevins! ?

Here are a couple more photos shared by Hailey 2 in her Instagram story this week, including a baby bump update:

Unexpected Hailey Tilford pregnancy update

TLC Unexpected Hailey 2 baby bump photo

Hailey 2 and Matthew mention that Baby Blevins is due in April, and their baby registry gets more specific by indicating that their bundle of joy is scheduled to arrive on April 15.

So what do you think? Would you like to see Matthew and the Haileys return for Unexpected Season 4? Or are you so furious and/or put off by their love triangle that you would prefer that TLC say sayonara to all three?

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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