
Man from Josh Duggar’s OKCupid account threatens lawsuit, brother-in-law calls Josh a ‘pig’

Matthew McCarthy - Random Guy vs Josh Duggar

More bad news for Josh Duggar: Matthew James McCarthy, the man pictured in the OKCupid account linked to the former 19 Kids and Counting star, said he is now considering a lawsuit.

Matthew, a Los Angeles-based DJ, told Gawker his picture has been used in multiple catfish profiles since it was grabbed from Facebook in 2010 and tagged as “random guy.” To this day, if you search that term on Google, the picture of Matthew that was used on OKCupid is one of the top few results.

Although Josh wasn’t the first to use Matthew’s picture, the 30-year-old DJ said the OKCupid profile is damaging his reputation unlike any other catfish profile.

“Now that I’ve found out that this guy’s a child molester, and he’s unfaithful and all those other things–it’s awful,” he said. “[I] am basically the exact opposite of him. And now, this maniac is using my pictures online to try to get laid. It’s just crazy–it’s surreal.”

Worse yet, Matthew told TMZ Josh already made him lose a job because “the club felt he was part of the sex scandal.” Matthew said he is now considering a defamation lawsuit against the ex-reality star. If he can prove he lost a job as a direct result of Josh’s profile, he might have a real case.

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Although Anna Duggar hasn’t directly addressed her husband’s latest controversy–even though Josh and his parents have–there is virtually no chance she will leave him. Her own brother confirmed that in a series of Facebook messages this weekend–and further voiced his disgust with “that pig,” Josh.

“Confessing and getting caught are two different things,” Daniel Keller said in a Facebook post captured by Radar Online. “I have told [Anna] I would pay for her to move out here w me and pay for her kids. I don’t think Josh will see that this is a big deal and truly be broken until that happens. I [bet] my life on the fact that Josh has not come to true brokenness yet.”

Despite his pleas, Daniel said Anna told him she is staying with Josh. Daniel added his and Anna’s parents are only making the situation worse by “preaching stay w him.” He added, “They’re more interested in how their daughter getting a divorce will look than they are in trying to truly get Josh some help and getting Anna and the kids out of there until he has gotten that help.”

When someone asked him whether those are really their intentions, Daniel said, “I was raised by them trust me that is ALL they care [about].”

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