Love After Lockup Gabby arrest details and update
On tonight’s episode of Love After Lockup, Gabby Nieves made the shocking reveal to her “husband” Chris Walker that she had been arrested and might be headed to jail! She later met with an attorney about her suspended license and revealed some details about her arrest in a confessional.
“I was at a bar and my cousin was really drunk and me trying to play Captain Save The Cousin,” Gabby says. “Me and the security guard we got into it and — I can’t really go into full detail, but I was charged with aggravated assault on an officer and terroristic threats.”
Gabby didn’t seem to think the incident merited the very serious charges she was facing. “Basically ridiculous at this point,” she says. “I guess they’re trying to set an example out of me.”
What Gabby said on the show lines up with what she said online earlier this month. Gabby and members of Chris’s family were going back and forth hurling accusations on social media after Chris’s most recent arrest. “Gabby has an open case right now for fighting a police officer disorderly conduct is her specialty,” Chris’s sister Essence wrote in a YouTube comment. “She’s a wildcat.”
Gabby responded to that claim on her own Instagram account. “My pending charges [are from] a bar brawl from when I was helping my cousin while she was intoxicated,” Gabby said, “and I’m not guilty until I am CHARGED.”
As we previously reported, Gabby was charged with assaulting a law enforcement officer, making terroristic threats, and disorderly conduct (offensive language) on August 8 of 2021.
Gabby told her attorney on the show that she planned to fight the charges and go to trial. She must have had a change of heart.
According to court records, Gabby made a deal in December that resulted in all of the charges being reduced to a single charge of simple assault — threat of serious bodily injury by physical menace.
In exchange for Gabby’s guilty plea to the lesser charge, she received a conditional dismissal and was hit with $483 in fines and fees. The conditional dismissal has a one-year timeline and requires Gabby receive anger management counseling.
#LoveAfterLockup Gabby absolutely UNLEASHES on Chris, his mom, and WE tv!
#ByeFelicia Plus, an update on Chris's arrest in August. #LoveDuringLockup
— Starcasm (@starcasm) January 11, 2023
Gabby’s previous assault arrest
After Gabby posted a graphic video of an altercation with Chris in which he appears to viciously punch her, Chris’s sister Essence posted online claiming that Gabby had a knife and attempted to stab Chris prior to the punches shown in the video.
“She tried to stab him like she did her ex boyfriend prior to this,” Essence wrote. “Right before this actually. She won’t post that video. She does this to everyone who leaves her. She did it to her last boyfriend. Chris has a whole girlfriend Gabby knows about. THAT’S why she attacked him and is trying to hurt his character. She is a side chick on a misson [sic].”
Gabby addressed the prior assault allegation on her Instagram. “I was wrongfully charged in Hoboken years ago for a DV from my ex beating me,” Gabby explained. “That’s why it was dismissed!”
Court records confirm that Gabby was charged with simple assault in Hoboken in July of 2016. The charge was dismissed in November of 2016.
Gabby’s speeding and parking tickets
Gabby reveals on the show that her driver’s license was suspended and she had recenty been pulled over for going 90 miles per hour in a 45-mile-per-hour zone.
Court records indicate that Gabby was busted for speeding on May 17, 2022 at 10AM. The listed location of the incident is the intersection of two residential streets near Interstate 78 in Union, New Jersey. Gabby eventually pleaded guilty to unsafe operation of a vehicle on July 5, 2022. I do not know when Gabby filmed the scene with her attorney.
At the time Gabby was busted for speeding, she already had a suspended license. She pleaded guilty to that charge on the same day as the unsafe operation of a vehicle plea.
Gabby was fined a total of $630 and was supposed to pay it off by the end of November. However, court records indicate she hasn’t made a single payment yet.
Gabby was previously charged with driving on a suspended or revoked license in September of 2021. There was a warrant issued for Gabby in December of 2021, which was recalled after she pleaded guilty on March 24, 2022.
The reality star’s legal woes continued when she was cited for driving or parking an unregistered vehicle on March 4, 2022, and then again on March 24. You will notice that the second date is the same as her guilty plea for driving on a suspended or revoked license.
Gabby has a slew of parking tickets, and almost as many failures to appear as a result.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)