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Jenelle Evans’ ex Nathan Griffith arrested again EXCLUSIVE

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans ex Nathan Griffith mug shot photos as of 2024

The ex of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star Jenelle Eason is back behind bars! UPDATE: He’s been sentenced.

According to jail records, Nathan Griffith was arrested on Monday. His charge is listed as “specialty court sanction.” He is still listed as being in custody at the time of this post.

Below was our previous article about the warrant that was issued for Nathan’s arrest earlier this month. It has more information about Nathan’s ongoing criminal case that Monday’s arrest is connected to.

Teen Mom warrant issued for Nathan Griffith's arrest.

Warrant issued for Nathan Griffith

Former Teen Mom 2 dad Nathan Griffith is once again a wanted man.

According to court records, a warrant was issued for Jenelle Evans’ ex on June 7th. The No Bail Bench Warrant indicates “Nathan Griffith is in non-compliance with the Veterans Treatment Court Program.”

Nathan was enrolled in the program after pleading guilty to attempted battery by strangulation stemming from an altercation with his sister, Heather Griffith, in July of last year. The warrant does not reveal why Nathan is believed to be in non-compliance. We have a few theories – but more on that in a minute.

Nathan asks for no contact order with wife to be lifted

Nathan had a status check hearing on May 21. As The Ashley was the first to report, Nathan asked the judge to lift the no contact order between himself and his wife, Mayra Oyola. The judge denied the request, adding that the Court “wants Defendant to focus on himself.”

In case you missed it, there was a no contact order between Nathan and Mayra after she allegedly hit Nathan in the head during an altercation in January.

Mayra was arrested for domestic battery and the no contact order was put in place. Unlike Nathan, Mayra managed to stay out of trouble over the next couple months. As a result, the charge was dismissed in March.

Nathan was arrested again in April, but it’s not clear why. The arrest was related to the strangulation case, but the status check hearings before and after the arrest make no mention of it. It was likely another non-compliance issue of some kind.

Why is there a warrant for Nathan Griffith’s arrest?

There was another status check hearing for Nathan just three days prior to the bench warrant being issued.

The court minutes from the hearing reveal that Nathan was in LVR3 inpatient treatment at the time. After that, he was “to enter outpatient treatment; and establish sober living treatment with coordinator.”

It is not improbable that Nathan was released from inpatient treatment and either didn’t attend the required outpatient treatment, establish sober living treatment, or he had contact with Mayra. However, this is purely speculation.

There was another status check hearing scheduled for today, but the minutes are not yet available online.

We will continue to monitor Nathan’s case and will update when we have more information about the reason for the warrant, when he is arrested, or both. [UPDATE – As you can tell from the top of this article, Nathan was arrested on June 17.]

UPDATE – The minutes from the status hearing on June 18 are now available, but they don’t reveal very much:

Parties discussed the progress and participation of the Deft. within the Veteran’s Court program. COURT ORDERED, matter SET for Order to Show Cause; Bench Warrant Quashed.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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