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Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith agreed to drug testing then didn’t do it


Court documents reveal that Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith agreed to drug testing as part of their recent custody settlement agreement. But, there’s reportedly a catch!

During the verbal nuclear explosion that was the divisive pair’s reunion show interview, Nathan directly accused Jenelle and boyfriend David Eason of being drug addicts. Jenelle retorted by calling Nathan a steroid abuser. That taping happened quite a while back of course, and it looks like the parents of Kaiser were able to settle  issues on that front – sort of…

Radar obtained court papers from their settlement in which Jenelle received primary custody while Nathan was scheduled to have his son every other weekend. As part of the deal, both parties agreed to drug testing:

“The parents agree to undergo drug testing for opiates, marijuana and steroid use, through a certified, third-party drug testing facility before this Agreement is finalized. Results of the tests will be communicated with each parent’s respective legal counsel.”

Their report went on to claim that after signing off on the documents, neither party followed through with the “expensive” testing.

The judge did sign off on the final agreement which reads in part, “The parents believe that each is an important continuing presence in their child’s life… This agreement reflects the desire of both parents to create a positive environment for Kaiser’s development and to ensure each parent’s continuing relationship with him.”


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