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How long will Mendeecees Harris be in jail? Love & Hip Hop star surrenders to begin prison term

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The question of Mendeecees Harris jail time has been rampant ever since the Love & Hip Hop star was sentenced to federal prison on December 1st. Yesterday, Harris surrendered to authorities in Pennsylvania–but not before signing off from social media with a heartfelt thank you to his many fans and supporters.

The Mendeecees Harris jail time is a stern eight years: the 37-year-old was sentenced on drug trafficking charges last December, when a judge found him guilty of “taking part in a drug trafficking ring that reportedly brought in two to five kilograms of cocaine monthly, plus up to seven kilograms of heroin, to the Rochester, New York region between 2005 and 2012.”

At the time, though, U.S. District Judge Frank Geraci, Jr. further noted that Harris had been working to turn his life around for some months before the sentencing. Mendeecees Harris had become well-known as a speaker to disadvantaged youth in both New York City and all along the East Coast while his trial was going on, and the eight-year stretch was the shortest that the judge could have sentenced.

In addition, there’s a bit of good news with regard to the Mendeecees Harris jail time: because Harris had already served fifteen months in jail on related charges before his December sentencing, it’s possible that his sentence could be reduced to around six years–or, with good behavior, even five.

Before turning himself in, Harris took to social media for a final post, one in which he lay bare his feelings and made sure to thank everyone who’s stuck by and believed in him:

I know for some of you it feels like we’ve been here before, it’s the never ending story or some of you are probably so sick of hearing about me and this case that you completely tapped out and just don’t give a F#%k anymore, maybe never did (For you, stop reading now and please unfollow Asap). This message is for all those that have supported me, grew with me, changed hearts, minds and perspectives with me. When I was young, hungry and closed minded I acted as such. Now I’m wiser but it’s wisdom born through pain, so that means enduring this will just make me wiser and stronger. But who would have thought “Young DeeCee” that wore the ripped up worn shoes, that went to school on sugar sandwiches and borrowed rice would ever have a voice to speak to the masses. I was the one with nothing, no push to go to school, no dinner on the table at night, no kiss goodbye in the morning, all I had was me for awhile. Just Me, plane ole me ( I don’t have college degrees, a huge resume of internships and jobs) would be able to influence a generation. Who would have thought that my family would be a beacon of hope and love through out a community that’s so often taught family dysfunction, dissension and disloyalty. Men, step up! I’ve been there, where you are and I’ve learned in the end It truly is FAMILY OVER EVERYTHING! Fathers, go raise men! Men to lead their family. Men to do the right thing. No matter what you had to do or may still be doing raise them babies right! Also, when you raise a man you teach an individual but when you raise a woman you build a nation. Protect our nation builders fellas! I could go on for days but I want y’all to know I’m good ? but good. My family is strong, real strong, so their good. Keep @theharrisbunch in your prayers and I will keep you all updated through my brother running my page. Be blessed, keep in contact, build and encourage each other, stop the hating and see you when I return. ??

A photo posted by Mendeecees Harris (@mendeecees) on

UPDATE–Fameolous has tracked down the exact location and duration of the Mendeecees Harris jail time. According to the blog, Harris will serve his time at the Allenwood Federal Correction Institution, a low-security prison in north-central Pennsylvania. The prison’s population is approximately 1,400. 

In addition, Harris’ currently scheduled release date is November 28, 2021, or the Monday after Thanksgiving. That date means Harris would serve approximately six years at Allenwood, which is about in line with the eight year-sentence he received (minus the fifteen months Harris already served). It’s not yet known whether good behavior could result in further reductions of Harris’ sentence.  

(Photo credits: Mendeecees Harris jail time via Instagram) StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter

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