First there was planking, then there was Batmanning and Tebowing, and now there’s a similar new trend developing in the U.K. that’s really gross: “milking.” Basically you pour a bunch of milk on your head (or have someone do it for you) and take photos and video of the event to post on the internet. People on the internet are so grossed out and mesmerized by the event that they like and share and write articles about it.First there was planking, then there was Batmanning and Tebowing, and now there’s a similar new trend developing in the U.K. that’s really gross: “milking.” Basically you pour a bunch of milk on your head (or have someone do it for you) and take photos and video of the event to post on the internet. People on the internet are so grossed out and mesmerized by the event that they like and share and write articles about it.