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Bobbi Kristina family feud worsens: Leolah Brown says Pat Houston is partly responsible for Krissi’s death

Leolah Brown leaving the church upset after she was told to leave service in GA. Leolah came out to talk to the press after being thrown out of Bobbi Kristina's funeral service. Pictured: Leolah Brown Ref: SPL1092672 010815 Picture by: Jason Winslow / Splash News Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles:310-821-2666 New York: 212-619-2666 London: 870-934-2666 photodesk@splashnews.com

The long-running feud between Bobbi Kristina’s aunt Leolah Brown and the rest of the Houston family has turned even more bitter. In her latest Facebook rant against the Houston clan, Leolah calls Pat Houston a “fake” and claims that she was indirectly responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death–by hiring the woman arrested for impersonating a nurse while caring for Bobbi Kristina.

Leolah’s diatribe came just days after Pat Houston’s emotional interview about Bobbi Kristina with Entertainment Weekly. In that interview, Houston said she had been “planning an intervention” to help deal with Bobbi Kristina’s drug use just days before her niece was found facedown in her bathtub.

Houston has yet to publicly address any of Leolah Brown’s comments about her–but that hasn’t stopped Leolah, who’s been on an anti-Houston tear since well before Bobbi Kristina’s death in July. Leolah was one of the Brown family members banned from Bobbi Kristina’s hospice after a deathbed photo emerged during her final days; before that, Leolah implied that the Houston family wanted to keep Bobbi Kristina alive only to try and wrangle Whitney Houston’s estate from her.

Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Whitney Houston, found unconscious in a bathtub

Leolah’s most well-known outburst occurred in the middle of Bobbi Kristina’s funeral service, when she began shouting at Pat Houston during Houston’s speech and had to be escorted out. While outside, Brown continued to rail against the Houston family and Pat in particular, saying “I told [Pat] that Whitney is going to haunt her from the grave,” calling Pat “a phony person,” and alleging that Pat Houston is “of no relation to Whitney,” blood or otherwise.

Leolah’s most recent anti-Pat Facebook tirade continued in that vein:


I am not surprised that this so called nurse, whom I believe was sent in by Mrs so called Pat Houston, was found to be a fake! Pat has also been a fake from day one! There is a connection between the two of these fake people. Trust! Whitney NEVER trusted Pat and Pat was NEVER Whitney’s “manager!” That was one of the first lies she told right after Whitney was killed! So, the question is; why did Pat lie about that? And what is her motive for doing so? Could it be to gain ALL of Whitney’s estate? Trust me she’s going for it! Pat’s name is NOT on any paper work or documents of any kind with Whitney’s signature present. Trust it never happened! Whitney would NEVER make that mistake! Pat needs to be investigated! PERIOD! I can go on & on…

That fake nurse was from North Carolina and so is Pat! A lot of games been being played and I have been consistent in my revealing. like I said, IT AINT OVER! I Promise I will get to the very bottom of all this wickedness!


On a related note, the Brown and Houston families’ $40 million civil suit against Nick Gordon in the wake of Bobbi Kristina’s death has yet to recieve a trial date, as both sides continue to prepare evidence.


(Photo credits: Jason Winslow / Splash News)

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