PHOTOS Jenelle Evans’ wedding invitation revealed
If you’re like Barbara Evans, you’re probably wondering what it would be like to be invited to Jenelle Evans’ wedding. Well, thanks to Jenelle’s on-and-off BFF Victoria “Tori” Rhyne, wondering will require just a little bit less imagination!
Tori got her invitation to Jenelle’s big day in the mail and excitedly shared a couple photos on Instagram:
* Photo shifted a bit and cropped
“Finally got my official wedding invitation in the mail today to my best friend @j_evans1219 wedding,” wrote Tori. “I had to take a picture because the card is soooo pretty and I’m so happy for her and David. Congrats babygirl, I can’t wait to see the day you finally get married and live a happy ever after kind of life. You deserve it! Love you!”
If you’re wondering why Jenelle chose to use the English spelling of “honour” with a “u” here is the scoop from Emily Post:
The phrase “the honour of your presence” is used when the ceremony will take place in a house of worship. Honour is spelled with a “u” in the British fashion. For other venues “the pleasure of your company” is the traditional wording.
However, it appears from the invitation that the wedding will be held at Jenelle and David’s new home. (The address is partially covered, but fairly easy to match with Jenelle’s new address.)
In case you missed it, Jenelle revealed earlier this month that she and David will be tying the knot on Saturday, September 23 with a home made rustic “save the date” photo shoot. In addition to sending out invitations, Jenelle has also been wedding dress shopping in New York City and sampling wedding cakes back in the NC:
I have to confess that I am excited to actually see a full-fledged Jenelle Evans wedding extravaganza! I feel like we all got shafted with the surprise Courtland Rogers quickie hitch. I just hope she and Babs mend the fences before September 23 because those mother/daughter wedding day scenes would be GUARANTEED priceless!
Meanwhile, we here at Starcasm will continue to wait for our invitation — I assume Tori got hers so quickly because she lives close.