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Amanda Bynes’ psych hold extended for 30 days, she’s deemed ‘gravely disabled’

Amanda Bynes Court
In an early morning decision, a judge granted doctors’ requests to extend Amanda Bynes’ psychiatric hold for another 30 days.

According to TMZ, Amanda was originally scheduled to travel to Ventura County court for a conservatorship hearing with her parents. However, her doctors said she was not well enough to leave the facility she’s been held at since July. The judge traveled to the psychiatric hospital, where he ultimately decided to extend her 5150 hold.

Based on local California laws, such a long psychiatric extension is only possible when a person is “gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder.”

The judge in charge of Amanda’s case previously delayed ruling on Lynn Bynes’ request for a temporary conservatorship, which would give her power over her daughter’s financial and health-related decisions.

UPDATE The judge has approved Amanda’s parents’ request for a temporary conservatorship. Amanda wasn’t present at the court hearing, but she was reportedly opposed to the decision. The conservatorship is under Lynn Bynes’ name and is effective until September 30, but could become permanent.

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