VIDEO – Tim Gunn opens up about teenage suicide attempt for “It Gets Better” Trevor Project movement

Today is National Coming Out Day for the LGBT community. This is a great opportunity celebrate being out and proud, or proud of those who are out. But its also a great time to get involved with The Trevor Project: a wonderful anonymous support system for LGBT and questioning youth who are not able to come out to friends, family, and acquaintances and endure connected physcological trauma.

Tim Gunn is one of many celebrities advocating The Trevor Project, but he’s also someone who dealt with firsthand the depression and helplessness many gay young people struggle with

Tim Gunn has spoken out again about his botched suicide attempt at 17 in order to help LGBT and questioning youth feel less alone and to support The Trevor Project, a wonderful 24-hour anonymous lifeline that helps teens in despair.

He wrote about this painful episode in his book Tim Gunn’s Golden Rules, and brought out the story for his book tour.

Here’s what he wrote about the painful episode:

“I’ll come clean: When I was seventeen, I mad ea serious suicide attempt. I was at yet another boarding school—I must have cycled through a dozen schools in as many semesters—and was ever more miserable. I had a debilitating stutter. I had no friends. I was incredibly lonely and depressed. I just wanted to end it all.

In my dorm room at Milford Academy I took far too many pills, then lay down to die with a sense of peaceful resignation.Then, much to my frustration, I woke up the next morning. This wasn’t supposed to happen was my first thought when I opened my eyes on a new day.

I hear that people who survive jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge report thinking on the way down that they want to live after all. When they survive, they feel so grateful. But I didn’t have that feeling. I was disappointed that I’d failed.

Now, of course, I’m glad the pills didn’t work.

Going through all that helped me be a better person and a better teacher. I feel so much compassion for what young people go through. It is very hard to grow up, especially when you’re sensitive. You’re so vulnerable at that age. I worry about my friends’ children, and I try to be a good uncle.”

And his message for The Trevor Project:

Aww, Tim we’re sooo glad your suicide attempt attempt and that you’re now here to spread style, truth, and love to us all.

If you want to help you can donate $5 by texting TREVOR to 85944. But if you really want to help, you can offer your love, support, and listening ear to LGBT and questioning youth in your own life.

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