VIDEO Man pranks wife by pretending to throw child over a balcony

Roman Atwood pranks wife, throws child over a balcony in Youtube video

In Douchebag Dad of the Year news, serial prankster Roman Atwood decided it would be hilarious to fool his wife into thinking he threw their toddler son over a second-story balcony and post the video on Youtube.

I don’t think the clip needs anything else in the way of introduction.

Here’s the dialogue after Roman’s wife Brittney realizes it was just a prank:

Brittney: I f***ing hate you. Why would you do that?!?

Roman: It was just for fun. Are you that mad?

Brittney: Yeah, I’m that f***ing mad!

Roman: Whoah! It’s just a dummy! It’s just a little joke!

Brittney: No, it’s not! Get away from me!

Roman: Now what?

Brittney: You’re sleeping on the couch.

If that was my spouse and my child the last line would be, “You’re sleeping in another house… from now on.”

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