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VIDEO Kieffer Delp singing naked in the shower

Jenelle Evans uploads video of Kieffer Delp singing naked in the shower

For all you folks out there who just can’t seem to get enough of Jenelle Evans’ on-again, off-again significant other Kieffer Delp, here is pretty much all of Kieffer singing in the shower courtesy of Jenelle.

WARNING – All that stands between your eyes and Kieffer’s nether region is a small wash cloth. Oh, and nothing between your eyes and Kieffer cheek!

UPDATE: Looks like YouTube wasn’t having anything to do with Delp’s Magic Mike improv. (We’ll see what we can do)


Kieffer is singing Lil Wayne’s “How To Love” as Jenelle surprises him with the camera rolling. To Kieffer’s credit, he pauses only a moment before continuing on unphased. At the end of the clip he even throws back the curtain and almost shares his Lil Wayne! Thank goodness for wash cloths…

Jenelle’s comments accompanying the clip were “In the shower… Lmao he had no care in the world, hahahahah!” And when she shared it on Sulia: “uploaded a new video of kieffer singing in the shower! HAHAHAHAHA this is TOO funny. :] makes me laugh everytime i see it !”

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