
VIDEO Catelynn Lowell talks with MTV Act about Teen Mom Season 3, Carly and Tyler

Catelynn Lowell talks about Teen Mom Season 3 with MTV Act

The Teen Mom Season 3 premiere is less than six hours away, but we’re still getting teasers! The latest is a video interview with Catelynn Lowell for MTV Act in which she talks about birth control, Carly, Tyler and what we can expect from her in Season 3!

That was sort of vague (as I’m sure she has to be) but seemed to line up exactly with our predictions for Catelynn this season. Here is a transcript of the interview minus the opening part about birth control – not because it isn’t important but because it is the usual sage advice: USE birth control! And if you’re uncertain about what kind to use talk to your doctor!

On to the Teen Mom Q&A….

How’s Carly?

Carly’s doing awesome! I mean she’s two years old now and she’s talking all the time, and she’s very, very opinionated and has to pick out her clothes and her shoes and, I mean she’s starting to get her a little personality in her so – but she’s doing awesome. Really, really good.

…and Tyler?

Yeah, he’s doing really good actually. He’s on summer break. You know, he’s taking the summer off from college and just enjoying it because he’s been working hard for a couple months there.

What’s in store for Teen Mom Season 3?

You’re definitely going to see me breaking away from – let’s see – breaking away from family and just kind of focusing on what I need to do and where I need to go in life and a lot of trials and tribulations and just family drama, and a little bump in the road for me and Tyler. Other than that, some good stuff too so

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