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Triana Lavey spent $15,000 on plastic surgery for selfies

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Talent manager Triana Lavey says she’s spent $15,000 on plastic surgery over the past two years in an attempt to look “Photoshopped” on her Instagram selfies.

She’s had a nose job, a chin implant, Botox and fat grafting and now feels that she finally has “the face that I always thought that I had. I look like myself, but Photoshopped.”

Here’s the before and after results:
“Not everyone is born beautiful, and if you can get a little help from an app or a nip-tuck then more power to you,” Triana told ABC’s Nightline.

Triana’s not alone in being affected by social media anxiety about her appearance. Sharing selfies can become a game of getting the most likes, comparing yourself to others, and spending hours trying to find the right shot, the right angle, the right filter to get maximum results. Sometimes we can start a Facetime chat or Skype and become startled by how we look in the candid lighting, but we can get too caught up in the endless chase to find perfection. The truth is that everyone else is so worried about their own selfies, that they’re not spending as much time as you think judging ours.

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