
Top 10 most asked Jenelle Evans questions — with answers!

Jenelle Evans photo

Over the past six years we have written close to 500 articles about Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans (this post makes 497), starting with a story we published before her episode of 16 & Pregnant even aired way back on February 16, 2010. What was that post about? Photos and a video of Jenelle smoking pot. Here’s an excerpt:

Judging from the Season 2 trailer and from Jenelle’s various online profiles, she is a very confident 17-year-old who uses colorful language, has an affinity for marijuana, and absolutely no fear of conflict – which sounds like a perfectly volatile combination for the season premiere!

Little did we realize at the time that this 17-year-old from Oak Island, North Carolina would go on to star in a spin-off reality series, becoming an international celebrity whose face would appear on numerous magazine covers and whose name would be a global trending topic too many times to count. (Of course, the fame and attention were rarely for positive reasons.)

Regardless of the reasons for Jenelle’s ascension into fame, there she is. And here we are, still writing about her!

Over the course of the last six years, we’ve garnered a lot of traffic from people searching for information about Jenelle online. Most of the time they are looking to find out information about whatever bit of trouble, or relationship (or both) that Jenelle has most recently found herself in. There are also a number of Jenelle Evans questions people keep punching into search engines regardless of whatever headlines she is making at the time.

Taking what we know about the questions that eventually led them to our site, combined with a service that monitors what people type into search engines, I’ve put together a list of the Top 10 Questions About Jenelle Evans–so there will be one source for all the answers!

I should point out that the number one question is the overarching “Who Is Jenelle Evans?” I assume that if you are this far along in this post, then you already know the answer to that one — so it doesn’t count. OK, let’s get to those questions!

1. How tall is Jenelle Evans? The popularity of this question ebbs and flows a bit, and I think that has a lot to do with whoever Jenelle Evans is dating at the time. For instance, ever since Jenelle started dating her new man, the very tall David Eason, the number of people wondering just how tall Jenelle is has skyrocketed! Another factor is the bizarre discrepancies between some of Jenelle’s mug shot photos in which the lines behind her seem to indicate a wide variety of heights ranging from five-foot, one inch to five-foot, four inches tall:

How tall is Jenelle Evans?

Despite the variance in the images, the booking reports are very consistent and all list Jenelle’s height at five foot, one inch. So there you go!

2. How old is Jenelle Evans? When is Jenelle Evans’ birthday? Jenelle Evans was born on December 19, 1991. Her current age is 23–but she’ll turn 24 next month.

3. Who is Jenelle Evans’ dad? This is a great question! His name is Robert Evans, and here is a photo:

Jenelle Evans' dad Robert Evans

Star magazine interviewed Robert’s sister (Jenelle’s aunt) back in 2011, and she revealed that Robert didn’t find out about Jenelle having a child until well after Jace’s birth–and well after Jenelle appeared on 16 and Pregnant AND Teen Mom 2! Click the link to find out more.

4. How many siblings does Jenelle Evans have? Jenelle has an older sister named Ashleigh Evans and an older brother named Colin Evans. Jenelle and Ashleigh have gotten into a couple very public feuds over the years, but we haven’t heard so much as a peep from Colin. Here is a Jenelle Evans family photo with her mother, son Jace, sister Ashleigh, and brother Colin all together:

Jenelle Evans family photo with brother Colin and sister Ashleigh

5. How many times has Jenelle Evans been married? Is she married now? Jenelle is no stranger to engagements, but as far as tying the knot the reality star has only officially been married once — to Courtland Rogers. Jenelle and Courtland got married in December of 2012 in a surprise courthouse ceremony. The two later split (very publicly) and their divorce was finalized on June 10, 2014. Jenelle is currently not married or engaged that we know of. But it should be noted that, right now, she is in St. Thomas with her new boyfriend David Eason…and St. Thomas is where her last ill-fated engagement to Nathan Griffith began.

6. How many times has Jenelle been arrested? This one may be impossible to get exactly right. After her most recent arrest for allegedly tossing a glass at Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend Jessica Henry, TMZ said Jenelle “has been arrested at least nine times.” Judging from her mug shot photos (and not counting the profile mug shots separately), Jenelle has posed in front of the booking camera on sixteen different occasions — although many of those might not have technically been “arrests.”

7. How many mug shot photos does Jenelle Evans have? As I just mentioned, Jenelle sixteen mug shots (that we know of). On several occasions she posed for an additional profile mug shot, but those were not counted when arriving at the number. You can click here to see all of Jenelle Evans’ mug shot photos to date.

8. How much is Jenelle Evans worth? I never trust those “celebrity net worth” sites, but this is a question that gets asked often, so I feel obligated to point out that two separate sites have listed Jenelle’s net worth at $30,000. The Squander arrived at that number in November of 2014, and Rant Finance published the same figure in September of 2015. I have zero idea how accurate that figure is.

9. Where does Jenelle Evans live? Jenelle currently lives near Wilmington, North Carolina, after moving away from Myrtle Beach (and ex Nathan Griffith).

10. Are there nude photos of Jenelle Evans online? Is there a Jenelle Evans sex tape? Yes, there are nude photos of Jenelle Evans on the internet. Batches were “leaked” on two separate occasions: one believed to have been done by Kieffer Delp, and the other by Jenelle’s ex-boss (among other things) James Duffy. I won’t bother providing links — you’ll have to do a bit of Googling on your own to see them. (And in case you were wondering, yes, some of them show everything.)

As far as a Jenelle Evans sex tape, it has been rumored that Vivid made Jenelle a lucrative offer. So far, though, no explicit videos of Jenelle engaged in sexual activity have surfaced online.

There you go! My apologies if your question wasn’t on the list. Keep asking and perhaps there will be a Part 2 once we hit 1,000 Jenelle Evans posts. 😉

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