TEEN MOM Rachel Beaver has 4 surgeries, sister Malorie ‘quarantining away’ from daughter Emerson after partying
As viewers of MTV’s Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant are well aware, there is never a dull day in the Beaver household, and that applies whether there is a pandemic or not! While Rachel Beaver recovers from four different surgeries, her sister Malorie is stirring up controversy after posting numerous photos partying and then announcing that she is “quarantining away” from her 21-month-old daughter Emerson.
We will start with Rachel, who underwent the surgical procedures at Blount Memorial Hospital in Maryville, Tennessee on Friday.
Her mom Stephanie updated fans throughout the surgeries and after, including this Facebook post just before midnight:
Okay for everyone who’s asking Rachel had four surgeries at once today we were there for about 6 hours she was asleep under anesthesia for 75 minutes she had sinus surgery deviated septum then she also had her adenoids taken out and at the last minute they saw her tonsils and took them out to because her tonsils were way too swollen…… Literally the doctor came to me after the surgery and told me quote-unquote man her adenoids were huge.
So Rachel’s in a lot of pain she’s on a lot of pain medication she is home now and trying to rest if she doesn’t get back to you in a quick response that is why they told me I have to watch her three to four days continuously because these days are critical she is still bleeding a lot in her throat and her nose so thank you for all of the good wishes and all of the prayers I love you all for that and please keep us in it this is very rough on me and very rough on her at the same time God bless y’all 🥰
On Saturday afternoon, Stephanie provided another update revealing that Rachel was not doing well at all:
She’s bad off for real I can’t keep her up more than about 30 minutes at a time and she’s literally spitting up blood clots and her nose is still pouring blood I had to sleep on the couch with her last night her on one side of the couch me on the other because it’s a big L couch I’m trying to keep fluids in her she’s a literally and well over 24 hours only had less than a bottle of water and can’t even finish a banana popsicle I tried giving her beef broth a second ago she took like three steps and then fell asleep I don’t know how to help her how I feel so bad 😔 this is horrible I hate watching her go through this
Rachel shared a photo of herself (included at the top of this post) and wrote: “4 surgeries at once was NOT a good idea. I’m in [so much] pain I can’t even swallow.” She added: “I can barley [sic] breathe. 🤦🏼♀️”
It seems Rachel’s condition has improved at least a little bit because today she has posted a couple Instagram stories of herself playing Fortnite.
#TeenMom #YoungAndPregnant Rachel's sister Malorie was arrested and charged with assaut in TN over the weekend! See her mug shots and catch up on the Beaver Family feud Instagram drama from last week: https://t.co/1eijuLHoo3
— Starcasm (@starcasm) February 3, 2020
Rachel isn’t the only Beaver sister whose face is healing. Her sister Malorie apparently had an unfortunate night out a couple weeks ago, and she shared before-and-after photos on Instagram:
Speaking of Malorie having nights out, she recently revealed that her lack of social distancing has resulted in having to stay away from her daughter Emerson. Late last week someone asked Malorie on Instagram why she never has Emerson, and Malorie was a bit snappy with her reply. “Corona obviously you dumbasses,” she wrote. “I went out & have been quarantining away from her.”
As Young and Pregnant fans know, Malorie has been going out and quarantining away from her daughter ever since Emerson was born. As a result, Malorie’s mother Stephanie has essentially been raising Emerson. With Rachel’s pending surgery, Stephanie was desperately trying to track Malorie down to get her to break quarantine and actually be a mother to Emerson while Stephanie stayed with Rachel at the hospital.
If you scroll all the way through this gallery posted by @TeenMomShadeRoom on Instagram, you can watch a video in which Stephanie can be heard talking about Malorie being at a party with someone who reportedly has coronavirus. Stephanie mentions calling CPS as Malorie can barely contain her laughter:
Rachel and Malorie both posted photos of themselves with blonde hair last week, and Stephanie posted the following message on Malorie’s Facebook page:
My thing is how the hell did you buy the same hair dye and not even talk to each other and by the way come get your kid Rachel’s got surgery on Friday I need your help please because I have to stay there with her I can’t bring Emmy with me to the hospital.
It’s unclear if Malorie ever replied, or if she picked up her daughter.
UPDATE – Stephanie answered a question on her Instagram that shed a little light on the situation with Emerson at the time of Rachel’s surgeries on Friday:
COMMENT: So question not to be rude @stephbpolo because I love your family and am proud of the struggles you’ve overcome but now that Rachel had surgery is Mal not trying to come get Emerson? A baby her age shouldn’t have to go to the hospital and she’s been away quite a while to not be able to give a the virus to Emerson If toy did have gotten it.
STEPHANIE: Thank God I did not have to take her to the hospital it was just me and my mom and Rachel my mom even had to sit in the car and I had to sit there and surgery waiting room we were there for six hours luckily I have my boyfriend Mike he’s a great Papaw to help us take care of them when needed.
If you’re curious as to whether or not there will be another season of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant, Stephanie replied to that question by saying they still do not know for sure, and they won’t know for sure until MTV starts filming their shows again after the coronavirus quarantine. However, all previous reports have indicated that it is very unlikely the show will be renewed.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com