TEEN MOM Malorie Beaver gives birth to son Ascecieus Seagren Storm Crow
Congratulations are in order for Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Malorie Beaver as she just gave birth to her second child, son Ascecieus Seagren Storm Crow!
Proud grandma Stephanie Polo made the official announcement with a two-photo Instagram gallery on Friday. “I would like for you to meet baby Asce,” Stephanie began the caption for the images. “He is 9 lbs, 7 ounces and 21.5 inches long,” she added.
Stephanie revealed that baby Asce (pronounced ace) was delivered via natural child birth. “I AM SOOOO VERY PROUD OF MY GIRL Malorie Kay Beaver,” Stephanie wrote. “You are tougher than me.”
Grandma Steph added that she was so happy for Malorie and Asce’s dad, Achilles Crowe. “I have my first beautiful big grandbaby boy y’all,” Stephanie boasted, “and my sweet Emmy Kay is a big sister
I am one proud mimi
Here is the gallery, which was posted twice by Stephanie:
Numerous commenters had questions about the name choice for the latest addition to the Beaver family. Stephanie tried to clarify in the comments:
COMMENT: Awwwh what a sweetie pie how do you pronounce his name? People always say my name wrong so I always try to say others names correctly
STEPHANIE: Sounds like ace. I can’t pronounce his full name over messages, though. I have to tell you by voice to understand what it is LOL, but it sounds like Ace — it’s just when we call him Ace it’s spelled asce.
STEPHANIE: So a-see-us Sea-gren storm Crowe that’s the best I could do or asce (ace) for short
Asce is Malorie’s second child, joining four-year-old big sister Emerson. Malorie and Achilles officially announced Asce was on the way with a pregnancy and gender reveal on July 4. The positive news came less than a month after the tragic news that Emerson’s dad, Lane Fernandez, passed away at just 25 years of age.
Congratulations to Malorie and Achilles! And their families! Unfortunately, viewers will not likely be seeing the pregnancy and birth on MTV. Teen Mom Young and Pregnant ratings have been worse than terrible, plus Rachel Beaver has revealed that she does not want to return for another season regardless.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com