
TEEN MOM Kayla Sessler got protective order for Stephan in May

Teen Mom Kayla Stephan protective order

We previously reported that Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Kayla Sessler had moved on from her son Izaiah’s hot-tempered dad Stephan with a new man, and we have now confirmed that the couple’s break up involved legal interaction in the form of a protective order.

According to court records, Kayla filed an emergency order of protection against Stephan in late May of this year. The judge granted the emergency order, but a rep from the court tells us that the petitioner (Kayla) did not show up for the scheduled hearing on June 15, and as a result, the order of protection was vacated.

It’s unclear exactly what happened, but usually a failure to appear in these situations indicates that the person who filed the emergency order of protection had a change of heart.

UPDATE – Kayla has since opened up a little bit about some of the stuff that went on between her and Stephan prior to the filing. Click the link to catch up!

The order of protection isn’t the only thing in the court records for Kayla And Stephan, however. In early February, Kayla filed a civil motion to compel child support from Stephan.

In case you missed it, Kayla has since moved on from Stephan with her high school friend Luke, who she reunited with towards the end of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Season 1 while registering for college courses. “We did go to high school together, but we never really talked too much because I was dating Stephan my whole high school,” Kayla said on the show. “Stephan does know him too, but they’re not really friends.”

Kayla and Luke are still going strong, and posed for photos together with Izaiah at his train-themed first birthday party this week:

Teen Mom Young and Pregnant Kayla Sessler Izaiah's 1st birthday with Luke

Kayla didn’t converse too much in the comments section, but her mom Jaime did! Here are some excerpts of her Q&A session with commenters:

COMMENT: is he replacing Stephen?? Cause GIRL, THANK GOd? Happy birthday Zay, May you be nothing like your sperm donor.

JAIME: No one can or will ever replace Izaiah’s Dad. Stephan is his father. That’s a fact. What stephan does or does not do, is up to him. However, Luke does step up.

COMMENT: Was his dad there

JAIME: Izaiah saw his dad. Stephan made choices that prevented him from staying at the party. But that was his decision

COMMENT: You upgraded x 1000.. good job girl! Hopefully he respects your mom

JAIME: Hell yes. He already knows I’m not playing, none of that sh*t is flying around here ever again.

Kayla did mention in her Instagram story that both Stephan and Luke will be featured on the upcoming season. And speaking of the upcoming season, Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant returns to MTV on Monday, October 15 at 10/9c — click here to watch the preview trailer!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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