TEEN MOM Jade Cline has lost 25 pounds, dresses as sexy nun for Halloween
Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant mom Jade Cline has had a rough go of it this season as she continues to struggle with the reality of being a single teen mom with very little support from her family. Add issues with anxiety and depression on top of that, and there are times where it seemed that Jade was on the verge of completely losing it.
Thankfully, it appears as though things have gotten much better for Jade since the most recent episode was filmed, as she looks to have worked things out with her former ex Sean Austin and has even launched her own baking business! And instead of losing it, Jade is losing pounds — as in 25 pounds!
“The episode you guys are about to watch tonight I weighed about 180 pounds,” Jade captioned an Instagram video just prior to Monday night’s episode. “I tried so hard to lose weight but I never stuck to a ‘diet.’ I was tired of being ashamed of my body, so I did something about it! Now I’m almost to my goal weight of 150!”
In a later post, Jade reveals that she has lost right around 25 pounds, which means she is just five pounds from her goal. “It was so hard but I’m so proud of myself,” she continues. “It was discouraging at first losing only a pound or two here or there, but once I really stuck to eating better and staying active, then I really started seeing results. I’m not too good at being on a diet, but now I am good at picking better food options!”
So what was the secret for Jade? “The major things that help me lose weight was of course being active (I have 4 jobs plus a child to keep me active), cutting out dessert anywhere I go, cutting out soda unless diet, and almost completely cutting out fried food.”
She says that the longer she stuck to the diet, the easier it got for her. “Now I feel like the weight is just falling off,” she says, “and it’s an amazing feeling! Of course I still have a cheat day once a week, but my main point here is that me sticking to something really did help, but it did take a little while to get results.”
Jade concludes with a positive message to all the ladies struggling to lose weight — although I think the message applies to the men as well: “My whole message is to all the beautiful women out there that are trying to lose weight or feel more confident, don’t give up because of being discouraged!!! Great things take time! Keep pushing and keep sticking to your goals!”
Here’s the short clip in which Jade shows off her trim tummy:
The responses to Jade’s post were overwhelmingly positive, and she expressed her appreciation in the comments section. “I LOVE YOU GUYS! So many beautiful young women sending positive vibes The main thing to remember is no matter your size you’re still beautiful! Losing weight and feeling confident again is possible. But just do it for you, don’t do it for anyone else.”
Just a few days after posting the clip, Jade showed off her weight loss by donning a sexy nun costume for Halloween:
“Naughty Nun here to bless you hoes,” Jaded jokingly captioned the photo, along with the ? prayer emoji.
And if your were curious about what Kloie dressed up as for Halloween, she was the perfect little companion for her naughty nun mom as a little devil:
Congratulations to Jade on having so much success working towards her personal weight goal! Perhaps later this season viewers will see the beginning of her weight loss journey? To find out, tune in for new episodes of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant airing Monday nights at 10/9c on MTV!
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com