TEEN MOM Jade Cline says mom Christy not living in a ‘dope motel’ & Kloie is ‘perfectly safe’ with her

On Monday night’s episode of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant, mom Jade Cline was on the verge of a complete breakdown as her issues with Kloie’s dad Sean Austin combined with work and being a single mom sent her anxiety and depression levels through the roof. Her crippling emotional state left her bed ridden and unable to stop crying, and her mom Christy came to help — including making a call to Jade’s doctor, and later volunteering to take care of Kloie with Jade’s stepdad at a hotel.

Jade has been very open about Christy’s issues with drug addiction and her mom’s frequent trips to rehab and jail, so it seems logical that some viewers would express their concerns over the situation — although many of them could probably have been a bit more polite about it.

Jade DID NOT take the criticism well, and she took to Instagram to share her angry response in defense of her mother. “You people are sick ?,” she began in a text graphic posted to her story after the episode aired. “My mother was staying at an extended stay hotel while my dad was working so they could get back on their feet, which is no one’s business anyways,” she continued.

More from Jade:

My parents aren’t perfect, but they damn sure weren’t drugged out at some motel. My mom is a good mother and a good grandma. F**k you if you think different. I lived my life with them. You guys know nothing. You people make me sick. My kid is perfectly safe & never went to a “dope motel”. Y’all are some sick ass liars and always try to make something out of nothing. Not going to tolerate ANY ignorant bullsh*t on my page. Period.

I am guessing that a lot of the negative comments about Jade’s mother were nastier than they needed to be, but in the defense of the critics, Jade has pretty much said all the same negative things about her mom before. “My mom’s always in denial, to this day, even though she’s been in rehab a million times and been in and out of jail growing up, so it made me always on my toes about them,” Jade tells her grandmother Lori about her mom and stepdad in a scene from Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Season 1. “I always feel like they’re up to something, and I always have felt like they’re always doing things that they shouldn’t be doing.”

Jade’s grandmother (Christy’s mother) agrees and reveals that she recently (at the time) gave Christy a drug test that tested for amphetamines, cocaine, opiates and THC. Lori says Christy was clean, and Jade seemed surprised. “I can’t even believe that she, like, passed it,” Jade said. “I feel in disbelief almost.”

Jade then seemed a bit remorseful about how she had been acting towards her mom, before then rationalizing her concerns:

Now I feel bad because I’ve been accusing her of being on drugs and I have been mean to her and I’ve been saying mean stuff to her. But she has been being — she is mean, and she is, you know, she’s just, I feel like, off the wall sometimes. I feel like that since she’s been living in hotels, you know, there’s so many bad people around her, I feel like it’s just a matter of time before, you know, she’s doing bad stuff, so I feel like she needs to calm down a little bit and just take it day by day and kind of work on her own self, and work on being an adult again, you know?

In a previous scene, Jade expressed her concerns about her mom with Sean:

It’s just annoying that I can’t have parents that are, like, normal, you know what I mean? Like, going to grandma’s house? Like, you’re grandma’s the person who is cooking you soups and being all sweet, watching movies with you? Kloie’s grandma is living in a hotel, constantly running the streets, you know what I mean? Just doing the things a grandma doesn’t do.

I don’t know what to say to her. She’s not the kind of person that says “I need help” or — could you ever picture my mom saying that? No, it’s like you can’t help people that don’t think they have a problem. The only thing I can do is keep my child away from them, although, at the same time, that’s the only thing, maybe, that could be a wake up call. I’m just sad now.

In addition to expressing her concerns about her mother last season, Jade iterated her concerns in statements made to Radar Online less than two weeks ago. “We’re not on talking terms. She doesn’t care about her life,” Jade said of her mom after the current season was filmed. “I care a lot about my life. I don’t want to be around people so negative and down.”

It should be pointed out as well that Christy’s mom said in Monday night’s episode that she wanted to get a hotel room for the night so that she could watch Kloie. “I’ve been in that damn car two — three nights,” she tells her husband, which seems to contradict Jade’s claim that they were staying in an extended stay hotel.

I think it is human nature to be defensive of the ones you love, even if those attacking the person are saying similar things that you have said in the past. My recommendation to Jade is to not respond with angry posts that could easily be applied to what she has said on the show. Instead, talk more about the positive changes made by her mom Christy since Jade made those comments, and help convince folks that their concerns (and hers from last season) are now unfounded.

Meanwhile, Jade told Radar that her falling out with her mother will be featured on this season of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant, so be sure to keep tuning in Monday nights at 10/9c on MTV! (Plus, there’s still the Jade and Sean reconciliation too!)

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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