TEEN MOM Bariki Smith posts photo of his gunshot wound
Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant dad Bariki “Bar” Smith has been very open about the fact that he was brought up in a very rough environment, surrounded by the infamous gang violence that is so prevalent in and around Oakland.
To illustrate just how bad it was, Bar shared a very graphic photo on Instagram of his gunshot wound after being shot in the forearm three years ago.
“For all you mothaf**kas judging a ni**a off this tv sh*t,” Bar began his caption, adding a ? emoji. “This is reality where I come from people get shot and die everyday, it ain’t for the weak stomachs.”
In the photo (click the edited version above for the VERY graphic original), you can see that Bar was shot in the forearm midway between his wrist and his elbow.
Given the location, the bullet must have come close to severing a crucial blood vessel. Actually, judging from the amount of blood in the photo, the bullet may have done just that.
More from Bar’s since deleted post:
3 years ago 2 months before my 19th ??….. humble yourself always remember the ups and downs, you considered lucky if you make it out of where I’m from ?? be blessed and careful cause safes get broke into ?
In addition to being affected by gun violence personally, Bar also has two siblings who have had their lives altered by it in the past year.
His older brother Troy Seales was convicted of murder in April after allegedly gunning down 22-year-old Deandre Adams on August 25 of last year. Bar and his family continue to insist that Troy is innocent, and it does appear that his sentencing is being held up as his legal team attempts to get another trial.
Also, Bar’s foster sister was shot multiple times back in June. She was hospitalized, but her injuries were not life threatening.
At the time of the incident, it was believed that it was a random shooting, but police were investigating. I checked but could find no recent update on the case.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com