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Taylor McKinney says Ryan Edwards threatened to ‘put a bullet in my head’ in protective order filing

Taylor McKinney Ryan Edwards protective order details

More details continue to emerge about troubled Teen Mom OG dad Ryan Edwards after his arrest last week on a probation violation stemming from a heroin possession arrest last year. Yesterday there were details revealed about the claims made by his ex Maci McKinney in her application for a protective order for her and her children, and today we have even more frightening allegations from the protective order filed by Maci’s husband Taylor McKinney.

“He called me on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018 and threatened to show up at my house and put a bullet in my head,” Taylor alleges in the filing. “The police were called and they suggested to seek an order of protection,” he adds.

Taylor cites Ryan’s history of drug abuse and alleges that Ryan threatened to use Bentley’s sports activities as a venue for confrontation. “He has also said he would show up at our son’s baseball game and confront us, my wife and I,” Taylor said.

Ryan using Bentley’s baseball games as a co-parenting Thunderdome is apparently nothing new, as Maci stated in her filing that Ryan “showed up under the influence of heroin and got in my face, yelling and threatening to hurt me” during one of Bentley’s games in March of 2017.

Both Maci and Taylor’s protective orders were scheduled to go before a judge yesterday, but both have reportedly been delayed until May 21. Until then, a temporary protective order is in place preventing contact between Ryan and the entire McKinney family — including their pets.

Here is a revised timeline of Ryan’s arrests and other related events — beginning with Ryan’s initial citation for heroin possession in March of 2017, and concluding with yesterday’s court delay with Maci and Taylor’s protective orders:


March 12 – Ryan pulled over by Red Bank police and cited after they find needles and 1.8 grams of heroin in an open backpack.

April 10 – Ryan has a court date for the heroin possession citation, at which point he usually would have officially been “arrested” with a mug shot photo taken, etc. The arrest never took place (or at least there is no record of it online), and Ryan is sentenced to one year of probation. I assume part of that sentencing was a required stint in rehab.

May ? – Ryan allegedly “showed up under the influence of heroin” at Bentley’s baseball game and “got in [Maci’s] face, yelling and threatening to hurt [her].”

May 14 – Mackenzie Edwards is first made aware that her husband has a drug problem, according to her “open letter” to Maci read aloud at the Teen Mom OG Reunion with Dr. Drew.

May 15 – Ryan and Mackenzie have an impromptu wedding, at which Ryan was clearly high.

May 16 – Ryan checks into a rehab facility in Texas.

June ? – Ryan checks out of rehab early.

November 18 – Ryan and Mackenzie has a wedding ceremony attended by friends, family, and MTV.

Teen Mom OG Ryan Edwards arrest mug shot 2018


March 20 – Ryan allegedly places a call to Taylor in which he “threatened to show up at [Taylor’s] house and put a bullet in [his] head.” Taylor calls the police and they suggest filing a protective order.

March 23 – Maci and Taylor file protective orders against Ryan and a temporary protective order is put in place.

March 26 – MTV reveals that Mackenzie Edwards is pregnant in a Teen Mom OG preview clip.

March 27 – Ryan Edwards arrested for probation violation stemming from his 2017 heroin possession arrest. Multiple sources claim that the violation was due to Ryan missing a drug test because he thought his probation was up.

March 28 – New reports surface that claim Ryan is back on the dating app Tinder talking with women.

March 28 – Mackenzie Edwards issues a statement about Ryan’s recent arrest in which she says Ryan was originally charged in April of 2017:

“Possession of heroin was the original charge from April before he went to rehab,” Mackenzie said. She then assured everyone that Tuesday’s booking was nothing to be concerned about. “Part of his case was he had to be booked. Everything is fine.” As far as whether or not Ryan is currently sober, Mackenzie says “he took a drug test yesterday and passed.”

April 2 – A court hearing is scheduled for Maci and Taylor’s protective orders against Ryan, but both are delayed until May 21. The temporary protective orders remain in place until then.

OK, I think that catches us all up for now.

Details from Taylor’s order of protection filing first reported by Radar Online.

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