Scott Disick and Sofia Richie officially an item: She ‘looks up to him’ & he’s ‘trying to get better’ for her

Scott Disick and Sophia Richie out and about

They’ve been seen together for months, and rumors linked the two romantically as far back as early June–but are Scott Disick and Sofia Richie dating now? According to a spate of new reports, the two lovebirds are “inseparable” and are taking care of each other in increasingly vulnerable ways.

Most prominent in the latest roundup of Scott Disick dating gossip is People’s new report, which is where the “inseparable” quote comes from. The magazine’s insider claimed the 34-year-old Disick and Richie–who turned nineteen just two weeks after Disick’s chum Kylie Jenner celebrated her 20th–”are spending every day together” since both returned from New York Fashion Week.

“Sofia seems smitten,” the insider added. Finally, in a somewhat confusing juxtaposition, People’s source further explained “It’s obvious that [Sofia] looks up to Scott. She constantly giggles around him.” (Extra’s report took things a step further, writing that Scott is “trying to get better,” ostensibly for Sofia’s sake.)

Scott and Sofia drew further attention to each other while out shopping in Beverly Hills yesterday afternoon (the photo at the top of the article is from that outing). Their shopping spree comes just a few days after Scott reportedly “piss[ed] off” estranged partner Kourtney Kardashian by dropping $10,000 on jewelry for himself, Sofia, and 18-year-old Madison Beer, another member of the all-female crew with whom Scott’s been dipping daily since the spring.

UK tabloid The Sun was the first to report the newest alleged breach in the Disick–Kardashian alliance, claiming Kourtney was “mortified” and “embarrassed” when she found out about the spending.

Kourtney, said their source, is “just furious–not just for how [Scott] acts but also with him for spending so much cash too–he’s blowing it….She doesn’t just give it away like Scott’s doing!”

Blowing $10,000 on jewelry in a single setting–and between three people–doesn’t seem that out of the ordinary for Scott, though. It’s not even that much money: probably one mid-level designer promise ring for Scott and Sofia, complete with matching Hogwarts House engravings (if Sofia says they’re Ravenclaw, then Ravenclaw they shall be), and a trinket for Madison. In fact, if you’ve been following Scott Disick’s Sexual Revenge tour at all this year, you’ll know that buying jewelry for barely-legal teens is one of the least embarrassing things he’s done. The next time he disappears for a six-day weekend after being last seen driving a boat with no captain on board–that’s when we’ll know something’s up.

(Photo credits: Are Scott Disick and Sofia Richie dating via BG002 /; Splashnews)

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