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PLATHVILLE Who is Olivia’s family? Meet the Meggs

On Welcome to Plathville Olivia Plath has had issues with her mother-in-law Kim Plath from the start of the show and has been a catalyst in helping her husband and his younger siblings explore the world outside of their rural, disconnected childhoods. Olivia Plath also grew up in a family similar to the Plaths. In fact, that’s how she met Ethan. Because both Olivia and Ethan had limited contact with other people, the fact that their families had similar beliefs and practices made their parents feel like it was okay for them to date and get married.

Like the Plaths (and the Duggars,) the Meggs family were a “Quiverfull” family, which means they didn’t practice any form of birth control so they can allow God to decide how many kids they have. The Meggs family appeared in a documentary called American Family Revival. Olivia can be seen speaking at the 4:47 mark in the video below.

The Plaths, Meggs, and Duggars are also connecting through a church called No Greater Joy Ministries. Of course, it’s unknown if the Meggs or Plaths have ever met the Duggar family, but they all had similar beliefs.

Olivia’s father Don Meggs works for a software development company in Roanoke, Virginia and her mom Karen is a stay-at-home mom. They moved from Delaware to rural Virginia as their family expanded. They raised chickens and beef on their farm, which the children helped tend. When they first moved to Virginia, they took their children around to different farms to help them learn how to farm and care for animals.

In the documentary, Karen speaks in a soft voice similar to the way Michelle Duggar speaks. Kim Plath, in contrast, has always spoken in what sounds like her normal voice on Welcome to Plathville, and even in a 2017 documentary titled Quiver Full Plath Family Kim speaks in her normal voice.

During tonight’s episode of Welcome to Plathville Olivia Plath gave more details about why she feels traumatized by her mother-in-law Kim Plath. Part of the reason Olivia initially felt close to Kim was because she felt neglected by her own mother. She says she felt overlooked because her family was so large, and this made her vulnerable to search for a mother figure. When Kim stepped up as that mother figure, and then said she was full of demaons, Olivia says she was deeply hurt.

In the documentary above, Olivia speaks about how being in a large family has taught her to not have boundaries. She criticizes most American for wanting personal space. Now, as an adult, Olivia is extremely adamant about personal boundaries.

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