PHOTOS 85 million dollar Spelling mansion buyer’s bangin’ bikini bod

Heiress Petar Ecclestone purchased Spelling mansion

I sure do miss the days of being a 22-year-old Formula One heiress with a banging bikini body and buying Candy Spelling’s old 85 million dollar mansion. Oh wait, that wouldn’t be me that would be the seriously fine and seriously wealthy young woman you see above Petra Ecclestone.

The house she purchased is called “The Manor” and had been on the market for over two years. There was an asking price of 150 million dollars so girl knows how to make a deal! At that 150m asking price it was the most expensive piece of residential real estate in the U.S. It’s 57,000sf and is the largest in Los Angeles County.

As for Petra, she’s the daughter of billionaire Bernie Ecclestone and former Armani model Slavica. She actually borrowed the money to buy the home from mom who’s doing quite all right following her divorce from Bernie. The above lovely photo shows Petra and her assets on board a yacht off of St. Tropez. While she was in the market for a mega-mansion she’s officially off the market romantically as she’s set to marry her fiance James Stunt next month.

On that c-note it’s been reported that Rihanna was paid $250,000 to perform at their engagement party. What a life! Here’s that photo without all the unnecessary yacht background mess:

Petra Eccleston purchased Spelling mansion in a bikini

Petra Ecclestone ladies and gentlemen!

Photo: KCSPresse / Splash News

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