The “Jenelle Evans is pregnant again” fallout post with opinion poll

Teen Mom 2 star was confirmed pregnant by husband Courtland Rogers

The Teen Mom 2 world got turned upside down earlier today when it was revealed Jenelle Evans is pregnant with her second child. Or perhaps I should say the the Teen Mom 2 world got turned upside down earlier today when Jenelle’s husband Courtland Rogers revealed to Star magazine (and thus Radar Online) that Jenelle is pregnant with her second child.

The announcement was met with various responses from fans and critics, most of which were essentially one of these three:

1. Congratulations Jenelle and Courtland! I’m glad you’re getting a second chance and hope you and Courtland prove the haters wrong.

2. What the Hell?!? Are you kidding me?!? This BLEEP BLEEP BLEEPIN BLEEP does BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP and yet she and this BLEEP BLEEP BLEEPIN BLEEP are going to BLEEPIN have another child?!?

3. It’s fake. Jenelle and Courtland just made it up to sell the story.

We’d like to know what our readers think, and have comprised a poll to get an accurate reading. But, before we get to it, we’d like to fill you in on some additional information that may change your opinion. (Though I’m guessing Jenelle opinions are about like political elections with a very small minority of undecided voters willing to be swayed.)

@BabsEvansMTV weighs in on news that Jenelle Evans is pregnant again
^ Of course @BabsEvansMTV weighed in

Here are some various facts you should know before casting your vote:

UPDATE – Jenelle confirms the pregnancy story herself in a phone interview with MTV! “I missed a few birth control pills, and found out I was pregnant at a doctor’s appointment. I was really surprised,” Jenelle tells the network. “I know a lot of people will say we’re not ready, or judge me from my past. I want to prove to everyone that I can do this,” she continues. “This wasn’t planned, but it happened so we’re taking it as we go. Courtland and I are happy and excited now. We have our own place, we’re married, and we’re both working. We know having a child can be difficult, but we’re going to do our best.”

UPDATE – Further evidence has emerged suggesting the pregnancy is real. Radar Online published two sonogram photos and Jenelle posted photos of her baby bump on Thursday!

More information has surfaced about how Jenelle found out she was pregnant. According to the Star article, Jenelle was seeing her psychiatrist to get new bipolar medication and her doctor suggested she take a pregnancy test. She took it and it came out positive. It isn’t clear when this took place exactly, but Courtland says Jenelle is currently more than six weeks along and hasn’t taken any drugs, including her bipolar meds, since finding out.

When it was first announced that Jenelle and Courtland were married, Jenelle’s sister Ashleigh called it a “shotgun courthouse wedding,” which would imply Jenelle was pregnant at the time. But, with as much vitriol as there is between Jenelle and Ashleigh, I think her sister would have spilled the beans if she knew anything about a pregnancy, so I’d probably chalk up her statement as simply a liberal use of the term “shotgun” when describing Jenelle’s wedding.

Kieffer Delp’s mom posted a series of tweets in early December in which she alleged Jenelle tried to claim she was pregnant with Kieffer’s baby in an attempt to sell the story to MTV. Here are some of Vickie Delp’s tweets about that alleged incident:

I’m thankful every day especially thankful that she didnt get pregnant, since she was tryin there in the end

she told them she was preggo n sent a pic of the test stick n asked for money

she was only doing it because mtv was gonna pay her for the exclusive story with proof

yep they offered her like 20 thousand. As long as its not with [Kieffer] I don’t need a baby. Lol

they said someone would have to come witness a test for proof so oops it was a false test

(It doesn’t make much sense that MTV would be paying Jenelle a load of money for an “exclusive story,” that sounds more like the work of Star magazine or another major tabloid.)

Celebrity family law attorney Vikki Ziegler tells Hollywood Life that it is difficult for a mother in North Carolina to lose parental rights (remember that Jenelle signed away parental rights over Jace to her mother Barbara without a court battle), but with Jenelle (and her husband Courtland’s) turbulent past, just about all Barbara would need would to do is “prove to the court that [Jenelle]’s been doing drugs while pregnant, or if she hasn’t seen her first son, she has potential to win custody of the new baby.”

So what does Jenelle need to do? “She must stay off drugs, make repeated attempts to see her son, Jace, and also to see her husband’s daughter, Jordan (JaJa), 1. She needs to focus on the children who do exist, showing her maternal instincts. Plus, she must focus on her health and keep herself and her fetus out of harm’s way,” explains Ziegler.

Teen Mom Jenelle Evans with dark hair

Meanwhile, all has been relatively quiet on the Twitter front today as far as Jenelle and Courtland goes, which is probably because of whatever deal they worked out when Courtland sold the story to Star. Of course Jenelle tweeted the Radar story, and later she wrote, “For the record… Jace and My mother are very supportive of me and [Courtland], and so is his family. That’s all I care about. #happytweet,” but that’s pretty much it.

Courtland was a little more specific this morning when he tweeted, “I can’t comment on anything though I wish I could all I can say is pick up a copy of star magazine or goto to find out.” That was followed by a billion angry tweets at Taylor Lewis, the mother of his daughter Jordan. (Yawn)

Of course Taylor didn’t feel the need to refrain from offering up her thoughts about the pregnancy announcement. “I’m suree he’s been shopping all day from their fake pregnancy story they sold lol,” she tweeted about Courtland. It should be noted that earlier in the day she was tweeting as though Jenelle is in fact pregnant, and even offered up these seemingly supportive words: “but i really hope the best for them maybe this baby will change them for jaja and jace.” That was preceded by, “okay i know she’s pregnant just because she pregnant does not mean she’s clean. Also she’s 6 weeks pregnant and she has been doing drugs i know but i hope now that she knows she pregnant she can stop for the baby. But its really hard to just quit cold Turkey.”

I realize there are probably a million other things I could have listed here, and I’m sure commenters will point them out below (I could have sworn I remembered Jenelle going out and having a lot to drink on her birthday December 19, but now I can’t find anything about that), but that should be enough for you to form an educated opinion and take the Jenelle Evans second pregnancy poll!

What do you think?

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