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Mama June vows to break the family’s ‘Teen Mom’ ‘curse’ with granddaughter Kaitlyn

When Anna Cardwell tragically passed away from cancer on December 9, 2023 she left behind two daughters, Kylee and Kaitlyn.

Kylee’s father Michael got custody of her, but where Kaitlyn would go was more up in the air. Shortly before her death, Anna told her mom June on camera that she wanted her current husband Eldridge to get custody of Kaitlyn.

After Anna died sooner than expected, June says Eldridge thought the responsibility would be too much and she wanted to honor Anna’s wish that Kaitlyn stay with family. Kaitlyn’s biological father is currently unknown.

“Anna wanted Kaitlyn to stay with her biological family. And I’m going to fight to my last breath till I don’t have any more fight in me to make sure that is how it works,” June Shannon vowed on the last episode of Mama June: Family Crisis.

Anna didn’t sign any legal papers before her passing, so June immediately met with a lawyer to draw up papers so she could get custody. She was afraid that Kylee’s father Michael would try to get custody of Kaitlyn as well.

June also vowed to “break the curse” of being a teen mother. “I’m trying to raise maybe an A-B student, sometimes Cs, and not a teen mom,” June said in the most recent episode that aired Friday, June 5.

June called getting pregnant as a a teen a “curse” she intends to break. June was a teen mom, and so was Anna.

During the episode, Mama June is seen butting head with her husband Justin Stroud over parenting decisions concerning 11-year-old Kaitlyn including decisions about clothing choices and bedtime.

Mama June argued that her rules around Kaitlyn which included denying her ice cream were to instill a “sense of normalcy” to her life after losing her mother.

“Your normalcy is ‘I run this s—. Y’all are on my time, and y’all do what I say,’ and nobody else has a say so,” Justin hit back. “You sit there, you want me to raise a child, but you want to tell the child to her face that I don’t have any say so.”

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