
Lamar Odom blames his dad for his troubles, praises the Kardashians as the only family who ever loved him


Lamar Odom is speaking out for the first time since his DUI, reports of a drug addiction, and struggles with his marriage (including multiple cheating scandals) became public. He decided he could no longer remain silent after his father Joe Odom ripped into his in-laws The Kardashians and blamed them for all of Lamar’s problems.

“They brought him down. He would be better off without them. I think the best thing for him would be to have a clean break and divorce Khloé,” Joe told British magazine Heat. “[Kris has] been talking a lot of trash about my son, saying he’s on drugs and stuff like that. I don’t think she cares about Lamar, she just cares about their image and money.”

Joe’s advice to his son was to quit both drugs AND the Kardashians. “I wish he had never got married to Khloé. She’s controlling. Those Kardashian women all are. I heard the way she talked privately,” he said. “It isn’t pleasant. In public she’s nice, but if you see her in person you actually see the real person. The mother’s like that, too. The whole family, they put up an act. I love my son dearly, but my advice to him would be: leave the drugs alone. Go into rehab. Nobody’s perfect.”

“Seeing the snakes” Lamar tweeted about his father’s comments. “Won’t continue 2 speak on this but I have got 2 let this out real quick. I have let this man and many others get away with a lot of shit. He wasn’t there 2 raise me. He was absent ALL of my life due to his own demons. My mother and grandmother raised me. Queens raised me. For the first time since they left, came a blessing of a FAMILY that I married into. FAMILY. That man wasn’t even invited to my wedding. He has never met my mother in law and some of my other family. How can a man who has NOT once called me to check on my well being have the nerve to talk so recklessly about his own “son”. He is my downfall! His own demons may be the ONLY thing he gave 2 me. He disrespecting the ONLY FAMILY that has loved me without expecting anything in return. They are the ONLY ones that have been here consistently 4 me during this dark time. Only person 2 blame is myself. Say what you want about me but leave the ones who have done nothing but protect and love me out of this! This goes to out to everyone!”

Sounds like Lamar is fiercely loyal to the Kardashians. Maybe his marriage with Khloe will work out after all. Maybe Khloe dropped the “Odom” from her Instagram account because of Lamar’s dad.

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