
Kourtney Kardashian before and after post-baby magazine cover photoshop


Kourtney Kardashian is calling OK Magazine‘s bluff! The Kourageous reality star to Women’s Wear Daily about how she never actually spoke with OK! and how they liberally photoshopped her post-baby body.

She also provided the original photo, top left, which was taken just a week after baby Mason’s birth and shows a much bigger (and more natural) frame than the one featured on OK! January 11 cover.

Kourtney also calls lies on the mag via Twitter for saying she only gained 26 lbs for the pregnancy, she actually gained around 40. It looks like the only thing they kept from the original picture was her manicure and  Mason himself, who’s a slightly different color, but otherwise unchanged. They swapped out her face for a thinner version, and ‘shopped in a different lower body.

Good job, Kourtney! Thanks for speaking out about this, because covers and stories like this make women think something’s wrong if they can’t bounce back quickly to their pre-pregnancy body. Kontinue the Krusade!

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