Joran Van der Sloot gets woman pregnant while incarcerated for murder

Joran Van der Sloot

Joran Van der Sloot, the man who was accused of murdering Natalee Holloway, is back in the news again because — he’s going to be a daddy. In an odd turn of events, Joran has announced that he impregnated a girl named “Leidi” during an unsupervised visit in a jail in Peru.

The Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reported last Wednesday that Joran confirmed to them that “a test has proved” that Leidi is in fact pregnant and that she has no interest in getting an abortion because of her Catholic faith. Joran’s attorney, Maximo Altes, told the paper that the woman is in her third trimester.

Leydi Figueroa Uceda, pregnant girlfriend of Joran Van der Sloot

Back in 2011, several media outlets in Peru had reported that a woman named Leydi Figueroa Uceda was van der Sloot’s girlfriend, but she denied it, saying they were just friends. Since “Leidi” and “Leydi” are similar names, they could possibly be the same person. Plus, since Jordan is incarcerated, it’s highly unlikely that he’s been meeting new women.

If the child is his, or if he marries Leidi, he could obtain Peruvian nationality which means that he could resist extradition to the United States where he is wanted for trying to get money out of the Holloway family in exchange for revealing where Natalee’s body was left.

Joran is currently serving a 28-year sentence after admitting to the murder of 21-year-old Stephany Ramirez Flores in January. He will be up for parole in just under 10 years. Joran said he murdered Stephany exactly five years after Natalee went missing.

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