Jenelle Evans’ sister Ashleigh may have more drama in her life than Jenelle
Teen Mom 2 fans got a special treat earlier this week as MTV aired a one-hour special titled Being Barbara focused on the life of Jenelle Evans’ mother, Barbara “Babs” Evans. In the special, we got an extended look at Babs’ life and what all she is up to when she is not in a screaming match with Jenelle. In addition to lots of wonderfully joyful moments (with LOTS of wonderfully joyful laughing), we also get to meet Jenelle’s older sister, Ashleigh. (That’s Ashleigh with Jenelle and Babs in the photo above, taken at Kaiser’s 2nd birthday party earlier this month.)
Fans may recall that Jenelle and Ashleigh have a lot of animosity towards one another, and that could be the reason we don’t see Ashleigh on Teen Mom 2. In the scenes where Babs and Ashleigh talked about the custody battle over Jace, Ashleigh had no qualms about tossing her sister under the bus.
“I think that she always has these boyfriends and they really don’t stick around for a long time and then…it’s just constant chaos,” Ashleigh says of Jenelle’s relationship history and its impact on Jace. “I think that Jace should stay with you at least until he’s old enough to make the decision of who he wants to live with,” Ashleigh tells her mom. “You’ve been raising him since he’s been a baby and I know Jenelle has tried to be in his life, but she’s been given like, what, seven years to get her sh!t together?”
Ashleigh later continued: “If anything, she should be commending you for that. Because when you raised us as a single mother, you put up with all the sh!t with her. She got pregnant, [you] took care of her kid. She should at least thank you, but she doesn’t even do that. It’s all about Jenelle, you know? That’s all she cares about.”
Prior to the episode airing, Jenelle seemed very excited about it, and she promoted it heavily on social media. After the episode aired, Jenelle was very angry at how she was portrayed on the show:
Remember everyone… Tonight is the "Being Barbara Special" on @MTV tonight at 10PM !!! Don't miss out… It's hilarious !!!! ???
— Jenelle Evans (@PBandJenelley_1) July 11, 2016
Any viewer of Teen Mom 2, or anyone who reads celebrity websites like this one, would have to agree on some level with Ashleigh’s assessment of Jenelle’s life being a bit chaotic. But, Ashleigh’s life has been anything but stable, and may even be more chaotic than Jenelle’s!
First, here are some of our previous posts covering the public drama between Jenelle and Ashleigh:
Ashleigh reveals a domestic abuse photo of her posted online was fake
Jenelle posts a video of a woman screaming at her son and says it is Ashleigh and her son Gabriel
Courtland Rogers arrested for harassing Ashleigh
Jenelle and Ashleigh get into a HUGE Twitter feud when Jenelle thinks that Ashleigh’s announcement that she was pregnant for a second time was meant to draw attention away from Jenelle’s tropical vacation with Nathan. (I know that doesn’t seem to make any sense — you just have to read the post.)
Since our last post in January of 2015, things have REALLY gone off the rails for Ashleigh! She left her abusive husband and father of her first son Gabriel, and moved on with a guy named Lee. Ashleigh and Lee got married and had a son together named Atlas (he was the cute red headed boy on Being Barbara), but that relationship didn’t work out any better than the first. Oh, and at some point Jenelle apparently claimed Ashleigh was a prostitute (?!) which cost Ashleigh her job and almost her kid(s).
All of the drama has played out on Facebook, where Ashleigh has been sharing updates for the past year and a half. Here is a selection of her posts and comments from that time period, arranged chronologically. The posts begin with Ashleigh addressing her feud with Jenelle, but eventually move on to her own relationship and custody issues. You will see that Ashleigh appears to have gotten some sort of stability in her life recently, but earlier this week she gave hints that things are getting crazy again.
Jan 11, 2015
It will be okay. After 3 years I don’t care about her lies and drama anymore. I have a great fiancé who treats Gabriel and like gold, a baby on the way cars paid for I have enough saved up to pay for Gabriels daycare for a year and have money left over for all bills and extra stuff and my divorce debt is 80% paid off. So let them talk I was going to have to take time off from work anyways because I’m expecting. My life is great:) I’ve never been so happy before. I feel my life is getting better slowly after everything I’ve been through. Everyone including my mom told me it’s not my fault I lost my job I’m lucky to have lee.
January 21, 2015
Now that my reputation has been destroyed within my personal life, professional life, and my attorney had to push my court date again to revoke visitation from nick (I still can’t move out if state) I’ve decided that I’m going to post on YouTube every month to give everyone an update of my life since I can’t have a FB anymore. I can’t even go out in public without people staring at me or whispering behind my back. I’ve lost all my friends and no one will hire me thanks to her lies. My sister destroyed my life for no reason. Everyone thinks I’m a prostitute. I’ve lost my job so now I can only continue to sell things on eBay like I have. I’m a good girl who’s ex husband hacked my emails etc and posted ads of me online to gain custody last year. My sister knew all about this and what he’s been doing for over a year. I’ve worked extremely hard even as a single mom to get where I’m at now and moved on my from my abusive ex, and hardship in the past 3 years. I met a wonderful guy who love Gabriel and I and will make the greatest father to our new baby. This is the last time she will ever destroy my life. It’s not fair I have to isolate myself from the world because of what she did.
My lawyer said there’s a 80% chance I can loose custody of Gabriel now that my ex knows what she did. If there wasn’t such thing as social media it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. My sister could of ignored what my status said and enjoyed her vacation. She’s the one who kept escalating the whole situation. She makes me sick along with everyone else. My mother said I don’t think lee would ask you to marry him if I was doing something like that. I’m not going to comment here anymore I made the video so when I have time when Gabriel’s in bed and lee is feeling better from surgery i will upload it. I don’t even know what to say anymore. All those times she wrote horrible stories about me for no reason (jealousy) I never told her dirty secrets. I’ve known Jenelle for over 23 years. I know her better than all of her twitter followers and real friends. I’m her sister I know everything about her. She can live in her imaginary world if she chooses to. But in my world I won’t let her do this to me anymore. When I knew when was ‘hooking’ out of hotels with this girl Taylor I never told anymore or like the heroine needle from her bfs house I found in out xmas stuff from my moms house from him doing steroids or drugs in Gabriel’s Xmas bag. (Which I kept) Behind the limelight she’s a really disturbed person. If she’s was an escort I would never expose her. I keep family stuff secret. I have more class, respect and morals than her. It was none of her business to post what she did. She knew what nick did to me.
I’m going to explain everything. I have paperwork and the court order from 2013-2014. My Attorney said she’s going to try to continue the case for 4-5 times so the judge will grant me to move out of state with (military orders) and to have nicks visitation revoked. I have everything written down. I can also face jail time and face contempt again (non visitation like last year) in court because of what the court order says. Here is a photos of it read line 13. This was right after nick framed me in court if being an escort with fake photos and some from my hacked email. Then hacked my FB for spite after I was awarded custody.
My sister stole a copy of the court order from my moms. This court order was signed in April of 2014. That was right after this was filed her baby shower was at my moms. He’s been posting pictures of me online for over a year now. I can’t so anything about it all I have is a po box and my lawyer and 2 private investigators can’t locate him in California.
My moms on my side.
This was filed last year. Everything I’ve told everyone including my lawyer and the courts is true. I’m really scared of loosing Gabriel. Lee can stay here and I don’t post pictures of him anyways so if nick tried to say he is living with me he can’t. He lives in California he’s only seen Gabriel 3 times since he’s been born. Every time he calls he screams, yells and curses at me so I hang up. This is why his visitation is being revoked. I also need permission to move. This is just part if the court order. I have him recorded on several occasions. I was going to get a cease or desist letter but I don’t even know where she lives in SC. The next step is to get a protective order on her if I can find her address.
February 6, 2015
It amazes me that I have photos in FB from 5 years ago no one has ever seen but are so quick to judge because of the crap my sister does to me or because she’s related to me. She just told 1 million followers on twitter that I’m a prostitute last month after my ex hacked my FB, email etc. while he framed me in court with fake photos durning custody/divorce in 2013. I’m not a prostitute. I can loose custody of my son. I have videos already recorded but it takes about 2-3 hours to upload. I have better things to do. What she did was wrong and destroyed my reputation, everyone knows it. I don’t need everyone messaging me with drama. I have nothing to say. It’s my FB and I’m certainly not anorexic I’ve always been thin every pregnancy is different. Stop taking my photos off my FB and posting them on twitter without my consent.
April 24, 2015
I cook, clean, take care of our house Gabriel, pick up your messes, clothes, do all your laundry, pick up Pepsi cans tend to you like I’m your maid and mother. You make more of a mess than Gabriel. What do you do? Break stuff over stupid arguments, yell at me, say hurtful things like I’m taking the baby from you and your a horrible mother, you don’t do sh!t etc. Blackmail me while sending my sister messages on twitter, record our arguments without my consent after what I’ve been through with family and my ex. I’ve given you thousands of dollars carry your baby which I wasn’t ready for, yet you act like a teenage boy with anger issues. might be hormonal and very PREGNO but you don’t deserve me. I might get angry and yell because I’m hormonal, I’m not perfect. I’ve bought everything for this baby. You don’t even want to buy the baby a monitor. You say the hospital tour is a waste of time. You seem more concerned about your motorcycle and cards. It’s a shame a good woman and mother like me always falls for selfish assholes. You can’t even empty the dishwasher or vacuum. You never thanked me for dinner offered to wash dishes for me. Just remember, when you lie karma gets you. There’s always 2 sides of a story. It really hurts that I’ve given 1000% and you took advantage of me. As long as I have my 2 little boys, that’s all I need. I don’t need you. Maybe when you grow a pair you’ll realize what you’ve lost.. Maybe you’ll accept you need to grow up. Maybe, I’ll accept an apology and reconsider, Until then, it’s me and my 2 boys. If I can support 1 being a single parent with no help, I can support 2. I deserve better..
I love him so much I’m really hoping he can take a step back and stop acting the way he has. I’m very hurt, it feels like a knife went through my chest. I want to work things out with him if he’s willing. I need to do what’s best for my little ones first. He’s very good to Gabriel and I when we don’t have arguments . I don’t know if he’s going through some personal changes of his own but that’s no excuse to treat me like he has. I can’t help him if he can’t open up and tell me. I never meant to get him in trouble when I called his c/o on base. With him upsetting me, stressing me out and breaking things it’s not healthy for me Gabriel or the unborn child. I was hoping to move away with him and start a new life together. Regardless I’ll end up moving to start fresh. He’s like he’s my other half. I love him very much I don’t understand what’s going on with him. I know I’ve said mean things but I’m very pregnant and he has no excuse triggering arguments and upsetting me. This post is meant to be public so maybe his family can see my side of things do they can help him or talk to him in a mature rational manner. Maybe he will change his ways. He admitted he broke a tv months ago and blamed me for breaking it because I was upset etc and yelling. Doing what’s best for Gabriel this baby that’s due June 10th. I need to take care of myself. If he wants to be apart of our lives that’s his choice .
November 23, 2015
I’m back on my old Facebook for a while I need some help. Lee left me without a job no money 2 kids to raise alone and a house by myself I’m f**ked. He used me for a baby. He’s a selfish prick. This is a really difficult time. I’m very upset that he did this to me. I need 2 trucks and a few good strong men to help me move stuff into storage if possible Saturday. My old account is deleted so I can spy on him and his family who tried to kidnap my kids.
Yeah he turned into a verbally abusive jerk. He used me for money and a baby. I had to get an emergency custody order to get my kids back be issue my mother in law refused to give me my kids. He’s now leaving and trying to make me loose Gabriel and atlas because he’s selfish. I have an attorney but I need help moving.
November 23, 2015
I shouldn’t log into this account at all. When it comes to my kids I will do everything to fight. I have in laws and a jerk husband who like to steal children away from their mothers. I appreciate all of the messages and help. My husband used for a baby and money. I will never marry again. The other account is disabled.
COMMENT: praying you get out of this mess!! You have been through so much take those baby boys and leave
I will don’t you worry. I have no choice. My husband who I thought was the love of my life who I thought was going to change my life for the better isn’t who I thought he was. I’m very angry and upset very heartbroken.
I had my Baby in June. My husband ended up never changing treating me like crap. He’s doing the same stuff back in April. He needs help for his anger and refuses to seek it. I didn’t want to re activate my old account but the new one I had to delete. I need help because he’s not paying he rent or electricity like a jerk and leaving us with no money. I was suppose to be a stay at home mom but he won’t pay for the kids. He’s more concerned about his 40k truck and trying to make me loose custody of my children so his parents can raise them who live in deplorable conditions who have a history of family violence. It’s a long story I’m very upset and heartbroken. We’re suppose to be a family. I’ve been raising these kids alone since January. I’m used to being a single mom of 2 now. It will be okay. I’m moving out Friday.
I’m tough than nails. Most people wouldn’t have been able to handle what I’ve been through in these last 5 years. Lee will get what he deserves in the end.
December 24, 2015
Society thinks when a man love his children he will stick around with his family no matter what and handle hard times with his wife. But in reality the man leaves for another state to go live with his mother (crazy inlaws) blames wife for his anger manipulates her (his childhood issues) won’t file for unemployment while working on our marriage while raising the kids while finishing up a state investigation so we won’t loose our kids. When the wife asks for money to take the baby to the doctor he yells at her while he left her with a 2000sq house no job and running low on savings and her phone gets cut off. Wife has finished all parenting classes and everything that was asked husband hasn’t done anythingtje state asked. He continues to put her down and teach oldest son to call his mother a f****** bit*. He’s to selfish to care. He doesn’t even care about the home study yet the kids have no beds. Lawyer told me to stay here until the investigation is over with. Husband thinks he’s above he law and doesn’t need to follow case plan. Divorce #2 never trust men and never marry again. Maybe someday I will find a real man not a coward. Merry Christmas. My a account was hacked few feels ago. I won’t log into my new Facebook.
I need prayers right now. CPS has been harassing us for over 8 months they have found nothing we’ve never been charged with anything it all started with a nosey neighbor who heard my husband and I arguing in the yard when I was pregnant. Parents who beat their kids and shoot up can keep there kids but the good parents who raise their kids in loving homes can loose kids. Because of who my family and in tv they assume I’m a terrible parent when they have no solid proof at all. I need prayers.i was so close to moving out of nc to start a new life but cps told me not to leave the state or county with the kids or they will take them from me. I have every twisted lie recorded with everything documented.
February 26, 2016
Just to let everyone know I’m okay. My husband abducted atlas and refuses to bring him back. So I’m getting him back next week in court. Cps is closing the case. Because of my husband selfish stubborn ways I’ve decided to divorce him. I don’t want to but I have no choice. His family has caused me so much emotional distress and he refuses to step up be a man and find a job and look for a place to live for us. He’s let his entire family make the descions regarding our marriage. I’ve done everything for him and these kids and he doesn’t even see it. It sucks to be him. It’s a big mess but I feel at this point after giving 1000% even though we’ve both f**ked up and did the same sh!t to each other I can’t be with someone as f**ked up as him. I can’t keep on giving and get nothing in return. My biggest weekness has always been caring to much while giving to much. I see now selfish people don’t deserve me or my kids. It’s just Gabriel and Atlas and I against the world. I have so many legal options. Even though I’m p!ssed and hurt those who hurt gabreil I along with atlas, will pay for there wrong doing. Those who know me know damn well know not to mess with me or my kids. The balls in my court now.
ive been through this before. everyone i talked to at work said if that was my husband inwould be in jail. the logical thing would of been for him to be emotional there fornme when he left to go to nj and make a plan for us to move up there and let me finish cps case here so hey can go away sooner. instead he came back down took the baby when he wasnt supose too and refuses to give him back. i even iffered to buy ticket and to drive up there to get there to get him. i tired everything in my power to move uo there and make everything work for our marrige. what he did was wrong. his family caused me so much emotional distrsss and messed things up even worse. all he had to do was wait and find a house up there so we can move up there. i even sold half of everything i owned. at this point atlas is my only worry now.i know now I deserve better. I’ve got big plans for the three of us. There’s a lot to what’s been going on and my new account was hacked a while ago so I’ve been chatting on here temporary.
March 25, 2016
Update… Got my Atals back after my husband abducted him and moving to Scranton at the end of May first week of June with gabreil and atlas. My husband refuses to be a part of atlas life and won’t answer my calls or schedule visits. When he does answer he is very disrespectful. So over decided since I refuses to take responsibly for why he’s done and walk away from his wife and two kids I’m moving and starting fresh without him since he can’t man up and blame everything on me. I’m transferring my job up there. I’m still having a hard time finding a place to live due to proof of income in PA. If anyone has a place for us to stay for a few weeks to a month id appreciate it. I can baby sit, clean, cook buy groceries in exchange.
This time I’m moving and never coming back. I’m so sick of everything. I still have hope and faith my husband will try to work on things. But at this point the best thing for us is to move and start fresh. Everything’s sold money’s saved my job is transferable it’s a fresh start.
I’m having a hard time coping with it. He played me and led me on for close to a year. He has been threating to take atlas away since I was pregnant. I always payed for everything. He used me for a baby and money. I still love him hoping maybe he’ll change but he’s not a man. He left me and the kids in a big mess then came back down and abducted atlas from me after he told me he was going to send us money to support us until we got up there because of Gabriels school and stupid cps. All he had to do was work his ass off find us a place to live and then we were gonna move. This is all his fault. He keeps throwing sob stories on Facebook because he’s looking for sympathy and because he feels like sh!t and lies to his whole family and friends about me while distorting the truth. After all he did I still forgave him. Being a good wife and mother isn’t good enough. He refuses to take his meds and he keeps saying I’m keeping atlas away from him which isn’t true. He’s mentally unstable. This is he Bible Belt. He’s f**ked. It’s all his fault.
In the end it will be okay. I haven’t asked him for a dime. A man is suppose to support his family not walk away. Hes a pos. I’ve been through a lot in these past 6 years. It’s time to start fresh out of of NC. As far as my husband he did this to himself. In the Bible Belt things roll differently in the south than north. He did this to himself. It’s sad knowing that he’s going to get what he deserves.
He doesn’t have just deal with what he did while loosing his wife and two kids but the wrath of my mother. No one controls what she’s does. After what him and his family did to me and mother, him and his entire family are all f**ked. My mother told him the day he took atlas she was going to hang him. He was pre warned. Now his family and him have to face it her. If he didn’t take atlas this would of never happened. It’s all his fault. You don’t f**k with my mother.
I tired and tired and tried to make it work, after I did a 180 he hasn’t done anything to change or be a part of our the kids lives or me. I call him morning afternoon and at night he can’t even text me when he’s on lunch and when I do hear from him he yells hangs up and is very disrespectful. I even try to discuss visitation and he refuses to arrange a date time and location. He refuses to do video calls he doesn’t even call to see how the kids are and how things are going. He’s a POS. He refuses to talk about the kids stuff. He doesn’t give a sh!t about us at all. It’s sad as a father he can’t man up and be a good father and be a part of his kids life because he’s stubborn, embarrassed, feels guilty, and regrets what he’s done.
COMMENT: Move to Pittsburgh!! Lots of housing and section 8 if needed.. Pittsburgh is better???
I was going to my there with my husband but he refused to look for work there. That was before everything blew up and found out he was only sticking around to take atlas away. I was just there doing research. My grandma past away and she left me some property that’s worth only $10,000. Lol I’m going to sell it. My job didn’t have any openings to transfer to Pittsburg only to NEPA. Pennsylvania is so much cheaper and the pay is livable compared to here. I’m excited.
March 25, 2016
[Ashleigh posts photos of her sons Gabriel and Atlas]
My two favorite boys.
it’s a shame my husband wants nothing to do with these handsome boys. I’ve tried everything even forgave him after his family did horrible things to me and after he abducted atlas. It’s a shame he abandoned us.
Unfortunately my husband isn’t who he seems. He used me for a baby and money and planned since I was pregnant to run off with atlas so I’d never see him again like a jerk. Found out he was the one feeding cps lies. They are the reason why they are still stalking me. He hurt gabreil and I deeply. I’m glad atlas is just a baby so he doesn’t have to be tramitized like gabreil was. He still thinks atlas is going to be kidnapped. He won’t let him out of his sight. He sleeps next to him every night. He a good big brother.
It’s a horrible situation, but I have my two boys thats all that matters. Everyone was worried about me so i logged back in here as much as I didn’t want too. My other account was hacked. I can’t access it. There’s a lot left in said but for the rest of my husbands life he has to hold that burden, shame and guilt for what he’s done. I admit ice done wrong but I never kept Atla away from him. He know that I even know that so doesn’t everyone else. All he had to do was go back to Nj work or stay here with a friend and get unemployment until we sort thins crapnout and stick together as a family. Instead he abandoned is. He said he going to send us a little bit of money each month. All I asked was for $250 until we got up there. He lied to me abducted atlas tramitized gabreil and hurt us deeply. I’ve been a single mom since gabreil has been born I’ve always paid for her kids stuff. When I was pregnant he didn’t pay for anything I wasn’t even working I bought the crib set all the clothes and essentials for atlas he’s very selfish. It is what it is. Everyman I’ve spoken too friends wives, gf boyfriends told me what he’s done is messed up. He has no one but to blame but himself. I’ll be fine. Ive always had my own apartment and my sh!t together. He’s very irresponsible and can’t manage his own life. I’ve always held my own never asked for anything or help from anyone. I also don’t go begging for food stamps or government assistance. I pay for everything on my own. If if he took atlas and looked for a place for us to live u here it would have been different but he had no intention of ever returning atlas to me. He promised on the 13th of February to return him. His excuse was he was broke he couldn’t. I offered to buy him a plane ticket even offered to drive up there to get him as a result the courts granted that atlas is to be returned back to me.
When gabreil was born I left my first husband because he was a jerk. I dated to see what’s out there but never had any of them live with me or knew my children. When I meet my current husband until things slow then things crumbled. I know I deserve better everyone told me so. I have so much to offer. Someday I’ll find a better guy. I’ve took responsibility for my part and did a 180 he hasn’t changed at all. I should of left him when he pushed me and threw a bowl of chips at me 2 weeks after we got married and went up to NJ and left gabreil and I behind and partied. He used me for a baby and money. I’ve always been the independent type that never wanted to have a lot of BFs. I was alway concentrated on myself. They only guy who truly loved me remained friends after we broke up and tragically died a few years ago. If it wasn’t for his tragic ending and his battle with addiction we would of still been together today. I still have faith and hope hat my husband might change but I don’t think he will. He feels like it’s easier to walk away because he won’t face the fact that what he did was wrong instead of fixing things he ignores the situation.
March 27, 2016
When your a father it’s more than just loving, changing diapers, & playing. It’s about being invested emotionally and financially for that child. The fact that my husband didn’t even call to wish the kids happy Easter or send them Easter baskets shows a lot. It truley shows how much he really cares. I bought them baskets and took them out since its raining. They had lots of fun:)
Officially a Hooters Girl
I knew I would get the job. I’m ready to make bank. I’m transferring to another store as soon as they get the opening:)
the other store is full until May. So I have work here for now. I was gonna move to pa and transfer my day job but idk what’s going on with my husband.
Going to the gym paid off. I can start bikini modeling again soon:)
June 19, 2016
Even though she’s crazy sometimes I love my mom. She’s awesome.
He even said My friends are is texting him threats. He’s such a POS. He probably has some fake texting app. Lol glad I have a good lawyer who knows his way around bullsh!t. I’m 100000% positive he knows that it’s a loosing battle. You don’t wanna mess with my mom. She said she was gonna get him when he abducted atlas when he wasn’t suppose to and refused to bring him back. Karma a coming back hard on him. His mother is freaking out because she knows I’m on to her bull and finally stood up to her. They are desparate to make lies and drama because they know they are f**ked royally. You wait until this lawsuit they will loose their house and everything they have. It’s pending. He want road as a pawn nothing more. His mother is controlling him and telling him to do certain stuff. It’s sad a person can be so mentally unstable they can’t see what they are doing and what the other toxic people are doing to them.
June 24, 2016
I want to thank everyone for helping me through all of this with all the support,prayers love and help. I want to thank everyone for the funding and spreading the word. This battle isn’t over just yet. Thanks for all the positive words, prayer, and witnesses, sopena, evidence, and telling my ex he’s a little boy backed in to a corner because he knows he’s loosing control. So his he only tries to hurt me with his family. Thanks for being there when he talked to me on the phone and treated me like dirt!! To all of my non FB too thanks!
COMMENT: It will all work out and he will pay for his actions. Always remember to take the high road, your son will appreciate you for it in the end
That’s what I’ve been doing. It’s been super hard. His lies and manipulation are going to bite hard. I know that God is here directing me to the right path. I always remember “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, so good for those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Those who do you wrong will eventually face their karma.
After 1 year of emotional abuse I my foot down with my MIL I’ve finally stood up to her and as far as my ex I’m. I’m nothing more a worried mother who is trying to co parent and he refuses he blocks all my calls and alienates Gabriel and I from atlas all because he can’t deal with his personal demons. I don’t want my child in a horrible environment. Everyone knows what him and his family has done its discussing. Im doing everything my lawyers doing and not falling for his emotional abuse from his family. I can’t even check up on my baby because he won’t answer my calls and blocked me.
June 27, 2016
When you leave her, treat her like sh!t, and then hope things will work out you can’t get angry or jelous when she’s moved on, or found someone better. She can’t wait around forever while waiting for you to get your sh!t straight. You’ve hurt her and caused so much grief there’s no looking back or another chance. She tried to save the marriage but you couldn’t save yourself. When you love someone you will do anything to be with that person. Now you see what you’ve lost. She tried. She was nothing but a faithful wife and wonderful mother and you threw it all away because you couldn’t save yourself.
July 4, 2016
When I look back 6 months after all the horrible crap my ex has put me through its amazing how I’ve met so many great people, made new friends, work hard and take care of my kids alone. When I was with him I had 0 friends, always left home alone with kids, he never took me out, never went anywhere with me. Never did anything nice for me. All I did was cool clean and take care of kids and him while he sat in his ass all day/night. It was all about him, he always did what he wanted. Now I’ve moved on and life is much happier. Eventhough I do wish he would of got help and wait to see if things would turn out differently I guess I’m glad I stayed away because he’s never going to get better. I would of never been happy. Im glad I know I deserve better. All I need is my two boys and maybe a good man.
As much as it hurts sometimes I see my life happier now. It’s amazing how one person can tear you down into pieces overtime.
I’m good. I’m too good of a mother and women to put up with crap. Toxic people never win only if you let them. Always stay above.
Just stay above and remember all the good you did out weighs the bad he’s done. Day by day you’ll see you worth and deserve a lot more.
July 9, 2016
Shared a link to the Being Barbara special
COMMENT: Did u watch? You are so sweet
I didn’t see the entire thing I got off work late:/ gabreil had a meltdown too. I’ll have to catch up tomorrow.
COMMENT: Oh no is he ok? Was it about his baby brother? You’re so brave try to have a good night
I don’t wanna comment publicly just yet about what’s going on. All I’m saying is that it’s a big mess.
COMMENT: I’m sorry don’t say anything publicly !!!! You don’t need anyone knowing your business but I really hope it all works out for you and your boys
Your okay. My ex is acting crazy and I don’t know what’s going on. I’m just trying to stay low.