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Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers heading for divorce? (Part 2)

Jenelle Evans and Corutland Rogers starring in movie The Bonfire of the Jenelle Evanities

It seems the honeymoon period is over for Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans and her husband of 26 days, Courtland Rogers. The two appeared to be headed for divorce on Friday after Jenelle ducked out in the middle of the night to reportedly visit her mom and son Jace, when she actually spent time with Courtland’s “worst enemy.”

That incident was soon smoothed over (Time — even if it’s just a few hours — heals all wounds), but early this morning the fit hit the shan once again after Jenelle found out Courtland talked to his infant daughter Jordan on the phone last night, which of course means he also talked to his daughter’s mother on the phone last night!

I’m going to include most all of the Twitter drama below, but here’s a brief bullet point summary for those less dedicated Jenellologists:

• Courtland says he “got broke up with” by Jenelle after he talked with his daughter Jordan (aka “JaJa”) last night on the phone.

• Jenelle says the call was late (around 11pm) and Courtland was actually talking with Jordan’s mother Taylor Lewis. Adding fuel to her suspicion was that Courtland waited until after Jenelle had gone to bed to make the call.

• Jenelle claims Courtland pawned his dad’s cell phone for drug money

• Courtland says Jenelle’s best friend Tori tried to have sex with him while Jenelle was “at the crazy house”

That’s pretty much it.

Now, for those wanting the extended director’s cut, here are the tweets of Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers (and others when appropriate) arranged for readability, starting with Courtland’s tweet from last night just after he says he spoke with his daughter:

Courtland Rogers [CR]: I do miss my Lil girl 🙁 I just got to hear jaja tell me (daddy) goodnight !!! Made me smile so big! Jaja.. I love u thank u Taylor for that

CR: @memory232323 thank u for what u just did!! That phone call just made my year !! I am sorry give Jaja a kiss for me please Tay

Taylor Lewis (the mother of Courtland’s daughter Jordan): @courtyb11 okay i did your welcome kourt

CR: I’m going to sleep now !! Goodnight @everyonethatcares

CR: I love u @PBandJenelley_1 thanks for not snoring so far

Fan: oh she’s gonna love those tweets in the AM

CR: all I said was I love my little girl what’s wrong about that

CR: And my wife understands that I am always going to b in Taylor’s life because she has my Lil girl so the answer is NO Jenelle won’t freak out

CR: And @memory232323 and I do hate each other but we have to get along for our daughter no matter what because innocent lives come first # Jaja

CR: @SunnySky2013 I love jordan aka Jaja my daughter my wife knows that

CR: You can’t get in trouble for hearing your daughter tell you she loves u !!! Come on now world !!! Goodnight everyone

***Time passes, Jenelle wakes up

Jenelle Evans [JE]: @courtyb11 @memory232323 yeah I won’t care ?! Dude I’m f***ing DONE.

JE: dude he told everyone that he wanted Taylor to never ever contact him again then he waits until I’m asleep to talk to her ?

JE: not to mention he doesn’t HAVE to talk to Taylor on twitter and have a “conversation” if he just talked to her on the phone

JE: he is allowed to talk to his daughter but if u tell me “don’t contact me ever again” then wait until I sleep?! Haha whatever

CR: So I just got broke up with because of talkin to my lil girl on the phone last night finally getting to here her tell me she loves dada! Wow

CR: I cannot believe this

JE: yeah I’m walking away she wants him back and he wants her so it’s all good

CR: Now she is threatening me to tell the world I do herion so everyone hates me just because I hear my daughters voice and realized I have to

CR: father to Jaja no matter what because that is my blood and I love Jaja to f***ing death so if u are gonna leave me because of that then bye

CR: I want my wife to realize that I have a daughter that I love nd that wen I hear her lol voice tell me she loves me it melt my heart

CR: Whoever thinks I am wrong for hearing my little girl tell me she loves me and goodnight dada f*** that I love jordan !!! She comes first

JE: Soooooo I can’t wait for @Vkillemm to wake up! Lol I need my true best friend 🙂 CALL ME B|TCH

JE: First of all why is yr daughter up at 11pm anyways when u were “talking” to her on the phone?! Haha right

CR: @memory232323 @muzrush I dont understand how I can get divorced for hearin my daughter MY DAUGHTER tell me she loves me and goodnight

CR: So now I just lost my soulmate and my wife and my future

CR: And this just sucks

CR: How dare her tell me that she is done cuz I talked to Jaja but two days ago she can call gary and talk to him about a dog !! Wow f*** this

Kieffer Delp: @PBandJenelley_1 yo ill buy brody [Jenelle’s dog] from yu rite now

JE: no sorry

Fan: Oh god please don’t [get] back with [Kieffer]

Kieffer: we aint gettin nothin but I WILL PAY FOR THE DOG

JE: no way man

Kieffer: ill give yu 400$??

Kieffer: whatever just find him somewhere good to go please and bye

CR: @memory232323 jenelle said she was gonna make up charges saying I beat her and i never did so that just made me say f*** jenelle for good

CR: @memory232323 why is it a problem if I talk to my daughter Tay???? U know?? This is fuxked up and the reason I couldn’t come on Christmas

CR: @PBandJenelley_1 why are u doing this to me

CR: @PBandJenelley_1 I always loved u!! I got ur name tatted on my heart for gods sake we can talk this out ya know !! Damn jenelle

JE: IM SINGLE @courtyb11

JE: It’s sad when yr entire family takes my side lmfao

@JenelleTeam: what’s wrong now Jenelle. 🙁

JE: oh nothing I’m free now 🙂

JE: This is my MAN right here 🙂 [with picture of Jace below]

Teen Mom Jenelle Evans with son Jace Evans

JE: My MAN right here [with the same photo from above]

JE: @memory232323 u can have him now

Taylor [memory232323]: lol i don’t won’t him he’s all yours baby!!! Your the one that marred him. You mean jaja can have him now.

JE: @memory232323 lmao yeah guess so we r in the same boat now, u are completely right about him Taylor.. I’m so serious

CR: @PBandJenelley_1 come home to ur husband !! Quit f***ing making this look like my fault let me love u jenelle like I always have and more

JE: Why would I come back “home” when u just threw my suitcase down the stairs and at yr own SISTER @courtyb11

CR: it fell sorry it was a hundred pounds and u didn’t help me ANSI had just woke up to some bullshit Y Would I hurt my sister

@WynnMeOver: Because you’re homeless without him? Hahaha

JE: no he’s homeless without me… His family accepts me not him becuz of his past

JE: I cut off his phone since he doesn’t have one and pawned it

JE: Can’t wait until @Vkillemm wakes up so Jace can see his fav Aunty 🙂 ugh wakeeeeee upppppp! Lol

JE: no one even knows the truth what I’ve been going through and that’s all I’m going to say. I can’t blast him BAD but I’m not like Courtland or Taylor… I’ve dealt with this twitter sh!t for years… This is nothing new lol he can blast me all he wants but when he ends up in prison for yearsssssss cuz of the charges he has pending… He will then realize how sh!tty he is

JE: I mean I can blast him bad

JE: no he pawned his phone like 2 weeks ago and I had no idea until now lol wow and my money is stolen.. Yeah see…

JE: no I cut off his cell phone becuz he pawned his dads cell for drugs

CR: o yea u mean this cell phone I’m on now ?? Lol thank god sprint reactivated my galaxy

Fan: @PBandJenelley_1 here we go with the drug claims. When you “loved” him you two were both clean. Now he’s not?? Hmmm

JE: he told me the truth yesterday

JE: I am over here crying on my mothers shoulder….

Fan: why would u be sooo,angry that he talked to his baby girl n became civil with tay like any normal person would?

JE: why is his family just as mad as I am at him?

CR: they aren’t lol I am cookin my 2 beautiful sister eggs and my mom is rubbing my back !! Bye

JE: I need my best friend right now I can’t stop crying @Vkillemm

CR: ur bestfriend that tried to f**k me when u were at the crazy house an f***ed gary when u were with him ?? Wow

JE: Why do we fall in love so easy even when it’s not right? @Pink

CR: @gary_head man to man I am sorry for ever comin at u wrong u and jade are a good couple and will go far in life !! Keep ya head up!! Holla

CR: @gary_head i am sorry I shoulda never disrespected u I wish I would of listened to u bro she just divorced me for talking to my daughter

JE: Deactivating twitter. Bye.

And here are Courtland’s comments from his Facebook profile today:

She led me for talking to my daughter when two days ago she called and talked to gary about a dog but I can’t talk to my daughter and hear her tell dada goodnight?? And I am in the wrong?? Wow this is crazy I am sorry gary head and kieffer Delp that I ever hated on y’all I see what y’all went threw !! This sucks now she is sayin that she is going to fake a abuse and get me arrested for ten years and she laughed when she said that an I have NEVER abused her this is not fair and I am way better of a person than this so f*** it I tried I tried so hard to b the best husband any man could b to u and for what??? U to just pack up and leave me at 530 in the morning because I heard my little girl say she loves me !?!?!

I miss my WIFE !!!!! Godddddddddddd dang it this is not how love is supposed to b where are u jenelle come gone and talk this over like civil people

How can u leave ur husband for talking to his daughter??? Please somebody explain this to me

Somebody anybody come save me !!!!!!

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