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Corey Simms drinks with Miranda, Jeremy Calvert & Brooke in #lifeafterleah photo

Corey Simms wife Miranda Simms Jeremy Calvert girlfriend Brooke Wehr together LA

If you’re in Los Angeles and feeling tremors, don’t worry, it’s not an earthquake, it’s just the cast and families of Teen Mom 2 meeting up for what promises to be one of the most dramatic reunions in reality show history! Of course, there was a bit of a calm before the storm as non-warring cast members reunited and had some fun before the fireworks, including Corey Simms, his wife Miranda Simms, Jeremy Calvert, and his girlfriend Brooke Wehr.

Corey tweeted and deleted the photo above of the happy foursome having drinks at the Saddle Ranch Chop House and captioned it with the #lifeafterleah hash tag. After the photo Corey wrote “If you only knew” before adding a little later, “Honestly I’ve had enough I usually keep my mouth shut and don’t say much but yeah you’ll see.”

Corey then tweeted at Jeremy asking, “What do you think?” Jeremy’s response was, “Sh!t storm but this Bud Light is smooth.”

Also in town for the “sh!t storm” is Chelsea Houska’s dad Dr. Randy Houska, who would eventually hook up with the Saddle Ranch #LifeAfterLeah party, but more on that in a minute. First, I wanted to share what is always one of my favorite things to come out of every Teen Mom 2 reunion taping: Randy Houska and Barbara Evans getting together!

First person we run into in hotel lobby, wine in hand

A photo posted by @paparandlicious on

Fast forward just a bit and Randy gets a bit jealous of the #LifeAfterLeah crew. “So where are you bad boys drinking your beer at?” he asks Corey and Jeremy. “Saddle Ranch come on down,” Corey replied.

And of course, Dr. Randy did! And he shared these videos of Corey and Jeremy riding a mechanical bull!

Ran into some crazy guy in a pink hat riding bull #coreysimms

A video posted by @paparandlicious on

Best give equal time to #JeremyCalvert

A video posted by @paparandlicious on

Yeeeeeee haw! #LifeAfterLeah looks pretty fun!

And in case you were wondering where Corey’s dad Jeff Simms was during all the Saddle Ranchery, he answered that question on Twitter by saying “I’m on JV now.” Dr. Randy added, “their group was scheduled first up this morning. They may not be too chipper.” He added the #bartab hashtag.

It’s unclear why Cole DeBoer wasn’t there. That dude looks like he was born to ride a bull! Perhaps he was with Chelsea and Taylor at a #LifeAfterAdam party?

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