UPDATE CeeLo Green says exploding phone video was staged for a new project

UPDATE CeeLo Green says exploding phone video was staged for a new project

Social media is abuzz today after security camera footage from a recording studio shows singer/producer CeeLo Green talking on a cell phone as it explodes in in face, knocking him to the floor! Here’s the startling footage: A video posted by PHILLY CHASE (@iamphillychase) on Dec 17, 2016 at 8:53am PST The clip was posted…


CeeLo Green to be charged with ecstasy possession, cleared of sexual assault

The Voice judge CeeLo Green will be cleared of sexual assault, but will be charged with possession of ecstasy, after a woman alleged that the “F**K You” singer slipped the drug in her drink. Get the details of CeeLo’s legal situation and what type of punishment he’ll probably face.

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Usher to replace Cee-Lo on The Voice? (Also, he told Oprah he has sex to his own music)

We’ve got two items of Usher news up. Number one is US Weekly says Usher and Shakira are going to replace Cee-Lo Green and Christina Aguilera on The Voice next season. (via Straight from the A)

Number 2 is Usher told Oprah he likes to have sex to his own songs.

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PHOTO Cee Lo Green is shirtless (and buff?!?) as Jet magazine’s “Beauty of the Week”

The Voice judge Cee Lo Green looks more like porn star Cee Mo Peen in the new issue of Jet magazine, which features the surprisingly unportly “Crazy” and “F*** You” singer shirtless and Chippendales-worthy as their “Beauty of the Week.” But is that really Cee Lo’s body?


Cee Lo Green’s Purrfect cat

Cee Lo Green is gettin’ everybody’s attention on The Voice with his fluffy white Persian kitty Purrfect. He calls the fierce feline his “secret weapon,” but she’s turning out to be a secret weapon for the show.

What’s up with this fierce feline? Does Cee Lo own this cat? She’s taking over Twitter and Facebook, will she take over the world?

What’s up with this fierce feline? Does Cee Lo own this cat? She’s taking over Twitter and Facebook, will she take over the world?

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VIDEO The Voice “Vocal Kombat” Super Bowl karate commercial

Watch the action-packed, super campy, and super fun Super Bowl commercial for the second season of NBC’s The Voice featuring judges Christina Aguilera, Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, and Cee Lo Green showing off their kung fu skills as they race to find out which surprise celebrity is behind the beautiful voice wafting through their elegant hotel.

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PHOTO O’ The Day: Cee Lo Green pool party chillaxing in Vegas

How can you make a pimped out, glass lined pool in Vegas look even cooler? Add one heavy dose of Cee Lo Green chillaxing, that’s how! Now my unhealthy man crush is all wet and so pronounced that I had to make up a word just to describe it (now ain’t that some sh_t).


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The Voice Week 5 recap: Love is a battlefield

The action is starting to get tense on The Voice as Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Cee Lo Green and Christina Aguilera pare down their teams for the final 16. See who sang against who tonight, which songs were performed and who got sent packing during week 5 of the singing competition. As always we provide you the chance to let your voice be heard with a poll on which team you believe has the best chance to win.

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The Voice Week 3 recap: Let the battles begin

NBC put things into overdrive last week by completing the blind auditions and filling in all 32 roster spots. Each coach has 8 members going into week one of the battle rounds. Find out who was pitted against who, what song they sang, who got sent packing and then let your voice be heard by voting for the team that you think is the front-runner!

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The Voice week 2 recap with performer photos

Check out our after-show week 2 recap of The Voice. Our readers had Adam Levine’s group in the lead after week one but will the new additions that fully complete the teams from tonight change all that? See photos of the performers chosen, which coach will be leading their way and a list of songs performed.

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‘The Voice’ premiere recap with list of performers and teams

The much hyped singing competition show The Voice featuring coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Cee Lo Green and Christina Aguilera premiered tonight. Check out our round-up including a list of performers with photos, what songs were performed, which coaches chose who and a poll that will let your voice be heard in regards to which team you feel is the strongest so far!

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VIDEO The Voice judges Cee Lo, Christina, Blake and Adam go “Crazy”

NBC’s American Idol competitor The Voice premieres this Tuesday and today the network released a preview clip featuring the four judges (Cee Lo Green, Christina Aguilera, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine) performing the Gnarls Barkley smash single “Crazy” and it’s really, really horrible AWESOME! And not just Christina and Cee Lo! Keep reading to watch the clip and get pumped up for your post-Pia American Idol alternative!

UPDATE – Added an extended preview clip!