Right now you’re living under a giant rock with no access to WiFi or 3G ( a lot of rocks have internet capabilities these days) if you don’t know that Lindsay Lohan is making her huge Comeback Career move by doing sketch comedy on SNL tonight. Honestly, I hope she does amazing and wish her the best, but there’s another sketch comedy queen coming to TV Sunday night that deserves a lot more hype.
Stevie TV premiere’s Sunday night @ 11PM EST on VH1. (You can also stream the premier online.) It features Stevie Ryan, a lady who got a deal of internet fame when performed a character called “Little Lola” on a still new website called YouTube. For a while, people even thought Little Lola was a real person. It’s been at least six years since the Little Lola sensation, and Stevie Ryan is ready to tackle RealTube, and boy, is she ever ready!