Stevie TV: Stevie Ryan’s VH1 sketch comedy show deliciously skewers pop culture

Right now you’re living under a giant rock with no access to WiFi or 3G ( a lot of rocks have internet capabilities these days) if you don’t know that Lindsay Lohan is making her huge Comeback Career move by doing sketch comedy on SNL tonight. Honestly, I hope she does amazing and wish her the best, but there’s another sketch comedy queen coming to TV Sunday night that deserves some hype too!

Stevie TV premieres Sunday night @ 11PM EST on VH1. (You can also stream the premier online.) It features Stevie Ryan, who shot to internet fame a few years ago performing her character “Little Loca” on a then still new website called YouTube. For a while, people even thought Little Loca, a hilarious chola, was a real person. It turned out Stevie was just imitating some girls she admired in high school, and was using her creativity to garner some steam for her Hollywood dreams. It’s been at least six years since the Little Loca sensation,and Stevie Ryan is ready to tackle RealTube.

The first episode of Stevie TV skewers everyone from Kendra to Katy Perry, and includes a brilliant mash-up of The Artist and Basketball Wives, called Artist Wives. The line “I heard you were running your chickenhead mouth about me,” is just better when it’s read on a title card, it gives you more time to savor it’s beauty. Also Stevie as Drita D’Avanzo in a Mob Wives is pure genius.

Stevie doesn’t always get the accents quite right, but she captures the “essence” of each pop culture phenom with hilarious accuracy (no one does Kendra Wilkinson’s “hoe roll” better than Stevie,) and the jokes are so quick and smart they slice through tabloid celebs with a clean, sharp sting.

Honestly, the show had me at the very first skit about a Kardashian board game called “Kardashian Kraze,” but I was truly hooked when they threw in live-action Ryan Gosling “Hey Girl” memes.

I can’t wait to see Stevie’s skits about RHBH’s Kim Richards, Jersey Shore, and of course Mackenzie from Toddler’s and Tiaras.

I think Starcasm has a new obsession: Stevie TV!

Here’s the super-trailer featuring a smattering of Stevie’s vibrant impersonations:

Kardashian Kraze:

Kendra skit:

Justin Bieber as a cougar-hunting lesbian (that’s what he is in real life, right?)


Follow Stevie on Twitter @StevieRyan, Facebook, YouTube and visit her website here.

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