
BELOW DECK Are Ben and Camille still together?

Below Deck Are Ben and Camille still together?

During the Below Deck Season 10 finale, deckhand Ben Willoughby was caught up in a long-distance love triangle between Leigh-Anne Smith and Camille Lamb. After taking a swim in the warm waters of Lake Leigh-Anne, Ben eventually chose his former stew boo, Camille Lamb. The two had plans to get back together after Ben left M/Y St. David.

Unfortunately for viewers, the email shared by former stew Alissa Humber announcing there would be no Below Deck Season 10 Reunion appears to be legitimate. So, what happened with Ben and Camille? Did they date after the show? Are they still together?

Those questions have been answered by Ben and Camille on social media! Well, mostly by Ben.

On the day of the finale, Ben shared a photo with Camille on his Instagram. “I Had To See About A Girl,” he captioned the image, adding the 🫶🏼 heart-and-hands emoji. “Following my heart always has lead me to where I am now,” Ben added.

So where did Ben and Camille meet up, and for how long? “Camille and I spent 10 days in the Dominican Republic, and honestly, I fell in love with this wild spark,” Ben continued, adding a red heart.

Ben followed up the photo post with a video montage of him and Camille having fun together. “Dominican Republic was something we both needed to say the least, we genuinely had a spark,” Ben wrote in the video caption. He then said that the spark they shared was “comparable to that of a primary school crush.”

Unfortunately for Ben, the primary school crush wore off for wild spark Camille pretty quickly. “Sadly, soon after, we decided that this wasn’t meant to be,” Ben revealed. “Being honest, that was a very tough pill to swallow.”

“We are not together anymore,” Ben stated flatly, before offering more evidence that the decision to end things wasn’t actually a “we” thing. “In a perfect world it would have been something of a fairytale,” he said, with the naïveté of a broken-hearted primary school boy.

Ah, but Ben could still see the silver lining of his cloudy, broken heart. “We both organically fell in love with one another and had many, many memories to share throughout this whole @belowdeckbravo journey,” he wrote.

Despite not being the fairy tale that Ben imagined, his short-lived Camille love story still had a moral. “My advice to anyone out there is to follow your heart in any direction it may lead, even if you know it may hurt, because that makes you you…. At the end of the day!” wise Ben said.

He signed off with: “Always with love Ben & Camille ❤️🫶🏼”

Camille Lamb also talked a little bit about her brief time frolicking about with Ben in the Dominican republic, but she wasn’t quite as verbose, and didn’t seem to remember it being such an epic, tragic love story.

The former American Idol contestant shared a photo with Ben on Tuesday and wrote, “🇩🇴best trip ever🇩🇴” That’s pretty much it as far as her Instagram feed goes.

However, Camille did take the time to comment on Ben’s heartfelt diatribe on love lost and missed opportunities. “This is precious,” she wrote, adding a teary eyed emoji.

Immediately after being dumped by Camille, Ben decided to follow his, um, “heart” by traveling to Florida to hook up (and live!) with Leigh-Anne. How did that go? Not well. Not well at all.

Camille followed her heart into the recording studio and released her single, “Cool Like Me,” as well as a music video for the song.

Here are all of the #Benille Instagram posts referenced in this article:




Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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