
BEFORE THE 90 DAYS Veah Netherton health issues worsen due to alternative medicine

Veah Netherton from Before the 90 Days missed the Tell All due to her declining health. What exactly is wrong with Veah? She gave an explanation but it has some fans confused. On top of that, it sounds like leaning on alternative medicine exasperated Netherton’s issues, almost killing her…

See her troubling social media posts below…

Veah 90 Day Fiance

Veah Netherton was featured on season 7 of Before the 90 Days on TLC. Dating Mahdi Sunny (Sunny) from South Africa, the couple had a lot of conflict due to disagreements over his Muslim faith. They also had an initial feud in person after Netherton brought her ex-boyfriend Rory on the trip for protection.

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Veah Netherton health issues post

On the Before the 90 Days Tell All for season 7, Netherton told audiences that she had problems with her gallbladder and that is what caused her to miss filming in person. She later followed up on Instagram where the explanation became even more confusing.

More from Veah on her health
byu/anxietyexecutive in90dayfianceuncensored

In addition to gallbladder complications, Veah has previously stated that she has a brain tumor. Now, a third issue has been revealed: her lymph nodes are damaged because of a mishap with an alternative healer.

Read the text from Veah’s post here:

I have gotten a lot of questions this whole season about my health & what is going on. I have been so hesitant to answer because I haven’t been well. And loosing my health pretty much over night has been very traumatic but I’m hoping by posting this it can reach the right person & maybe I can get the help I need. So to fully understand we have to go back to before filming.

So before SA, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was severely affecting my life. After processing that for a couple months & coming home from SA, I decided I wanted to try some natural ways to see if my body would get rid of the tumor or shrink it. So I started working with a licensed health coach & she suggested I do lymphatic draining.

So I start seeing this licensed lady for it and she ended up using a massage gun on my lymph nodes mostly the ones in my chest, armpit, neck area I then started to experience a lot of shortness of breath mostly in the mornings & while working out. I scheduled a doctor’s appointment but didn’t connect the dots that the lymph node drainage was doing this. I only saw her a couple more times and that’s when it really all changed.

All of a sudden, I could no longer swallow anything including my own spit, I was spitting up blood, and within a few days, I could no longer walk. The list of symptoms go on, but all this led to several ER visits and a few hospitalizations.

After seeing specialist after specialist, this would go on for months. I would make a lil progress then have to go see a specialist. They would do a test which all seem to be very invasive, and would irritate everything and not even really show anything was wrong.

The lil progress I made would all be erased from that test, and I would go back to being bed ridden for days or months. I have given up on doctors because of all this and have relied on the power of prayer and I have seen healing through it.

I haven’t been able to eat any food for about 6 months and have relied strictly on ensures. No doctor/specialist seem to know how to help me or my situation. So if you’re a doctor or no a doctor that can help, that would be a answer to my prayers 🙏

According to her post above, Netherton visited a ‘licensed lady’ for lymphatic drainage at the suggestion of her doctor and that after that, her health problems exacerbated. Further explaining the impact, Veah blamed her recent extreme weight loss on an inability to eat for the last 6 months.

Veah roasted by Reddit

Comments on social media urge the Before the 90 Days star to avoid ‘alternative medicine’ and seek help from modern professionals… even though Veah said she’s ‘given up on doctors’ and is now relying on the ‘power of prayer.’

Lymphatic drainage can cause a ton of problems if not done correctly. She needs to 1) get a doctor specifically for her brain tumor 2) see an integrative for the botched lymphatic drainage.Sometimes doing too much drainage can release things into our body too fast… she could get on some meds to help her body handle the overload. I feel bad for her. Hope she can find doctors and get some relief soon.

 She needs to go to a real doctor and quit asking people for advice on social media if she’s actually having health issues that are this serious. Fucking around on social media is not going to fix any of this.
What on earth? Why did she say gallstones on the reunion yesterday? Why no mention of a freaking brain tumor while in South Africa? Living not by eating food but drinking ensures? Healing by prayer only but wanting a doctor’s help? I’m so confused.
Don’t use hippy bullshit medicine for cancer. Save that shit for other ailments and illnesses

Ashley Marie is a writer for Starcasm and the personality behind Twitter’s @RealityByAshley. You can contact Ashley via Twitter or email at realitybyashley@gmail.com

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