Beauty treatments: Would you get eyebrow implants or tattoos to look like Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian?
Would you pay $8,000 to have Megan Fox’s eyebrows?
Over the past few years runway models have sported thicker brows, and women have been dying to have thick, arched eyebrows like Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian. Eyebrow pencils can only do so much, so some seek other options, like tattoos, or to take it even further, implanting their neck hairs into their eyebrows. Gone are the days of pencil thin brows like Gwen Stefani’s 90s’ look. The over-plucking trend of the past has probably led to now-unwanted hair loss for many.
How much do eyebrow implants cost? What’s the procedure like? How long does it take?
Eyebrow implants can cost from $4,000 to $8,000.
According to the New York Post, 28-year-old Manhattanite Jana Jordan got her brow implants done by NYC’s Dr. Jeffrey Epstein. She was given Valium and Ambien for the procedure, and got Lidocaine injected locally. It took about 2 1/2 hours for 400 follicles transplanted from her head hair to her brows.
This process was originally developed to graft hair to make eyebrows for burn victims, but over the past few years plastic surgeons have seen a 30% increase in requests from women who want a fuller-brow look.
What are the potential drawbacks?
Jana Jordan says her eyebrow implants didn’t stop growing!
“My eyebrows grew and grew and, by six months, I had this old grandfather look going on!” says Jordan. “I was too scared to cut them, and it took a lot of courage to finally do it!”
One solution to that? Get your neck hairs implanted! The New York Times spoke to Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Sanusi Umar, who transplants hairs from the nape of the neck, or legs to get the desired look. His procedure takes longer, four-to-five hours, and costs about $6,000.
It can take some time for the eyebrow hairs to fully “grow in” and in many cases, they’ll need to continue to be trimmed and shaped.
If you don’t want to get implants, you can get a plastic surgeon (not some guy off the street) to do a tattoo job on your brows that is pretty subtle, and lasts about five years.
Dr. Michelle Copeland, an NYC plastic surgeon, says of the color she uses “It’s more of a medical grade, so there’s less discoloration.”
Here are a few before and after eyebrow implant photos to give you an idea what can be achieved:
Here’s an interesting photo that shows a before of a lady who had tattooing done, but wanted implants. The second photo shows some scabbing, and the last months is growth 8 months later.
And a before-and-after from the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration:
Here’s a before and after of Claire Culverwell from the U.K. who got hair implanted from the back of her head after spending 15 years plucking her brows too thin:
It looks like the key to eyebrow implants, just like any cosmetic procedure, is to really plan out what you want, and do you research on the right doctor to use. It looks like you can get great results.
Would you get eyebrow implants?