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Amber Portwood is losing weight, writing a book, and singing in prison choir

Amber Portwood of 'Teen Mom' in jail

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood may be serving a five-year prison sentence, but that doesn’t mean she’ll just be sitting around with a bunch of other inmates doing nothing. After initially having second thoughts, Amber now has big plans for her future, and her mother is letting fans in on what she’s been doing.

Tonya Portwood tells Daily Mail Amber “is attending parenting classes, has joined in the jail choir and has lost an incredible 25lbs after embarking on an exercise regime.” (The photo above is from a televised interview in early June, 2011.)

Tonya visited Amber for the first time this past weekend and is proud of how far her daughter has come in just three months. “My first visit with Amber was emotional and filled with lots of hugs and tears, but she looks great and she’s already done a complete 180 since being locked up. Now instead of fighting and taking drugs Amber is heavily into the jail choir and practices every day with them.  She is loving it and hopes one day Leah will come and watch her perform.”

Amber Portwood and Leah on 'Teen Mom'

It’s amazing to think of Amber, who is typically a bit of a wild child, in a choir. That’s probably one of the last things Teen Mom fans expected out of her — in jail or not. But hey, she’s staying out of trouble and that’s what counts. Her mom is even looking to get her sentence cut in half for good behavior, and once she’s out, she plans to use her platform for good.

“Once she gets out Amber wants to help rehabilitate other teen moms with similar problems,” said Tonya. Amber’s mother also reavealed that Amber has been spending time each day writing a book about her life! No wonder her and Gary are getting along so much better now!

Tonya also added that although Amber is sad that the Teen Mom series is over, she’s ready to film update specials — even from her cell if she’s allowed. Amber has even been receiving care packages from MTV with special foods and personal hygiene items included.

Although Amber was unable to participate, be sure to tune in tonight for the Teen Mom Season 4 Finale Special with Dr. Drew Part 2 during which he will talk with Gary Shirley about all that has (had) happened between the time the MTV cameras stopped filming Season 4 and the Reunion Special.

Also on the second half of the Special will be Maci Bookout, Ryan Edwards, and his current girlfriend Dalis Connell in what looks to be quite the confrontation! (Judging from the preview clip) SPOILER ALERT – Despite what you see in the preview clip (and on tonight’s special), Dalis reveals to us in an exclusive interview that she and Maci are getting along great now, even texting during episodes of the final season!


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